Beautiful Girlhood-compare versions please

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  • Rachel White

    Can someone tell me the differences between Mabel Hale’s version and Karen Andreola’s revision? Is it substantially different? Is it enough of a modernized difference where getting teh revision would be worthwhile?

    I ask because I can get the Mabel Hale version free from Librivox.


    Rachel White

    Actually, I’m not even sure I want to use this. Any perspectives on this one?


    Can you send the link to this from Librivox? This is on my booklist for my 12yo dd this year and I would like to review it, but can’t seem to find it.

    Rachel White

    Here’s the Books Should Be Free link:

    I actually dislike Librivox’s new layout; I haven’t been able to get anything downloaded correctly since they changed it and it takes me longer to find things.


    I am currently reading the Karen Andreola version with our dd, age 10.  We read one chapter per week together and just finished reading Chapter 17.  I absolutely LOVE it so far!  It talks about character, obedience, self control, patience, using kind words, good hygiene vs. vanity, being truthful and sincere, having ambition, dreams, being helpful to your mother with chores, etc.    I do see Chapter 26 is titled “Boyfriends”.  I plan to pre-read and only use what’s appropriate.  


    I don’t remember the exact differences when I researched this last summer, but the introduction in the Karen Andreola versions reads:


    My revision has been to replace tactless phrases, to make the meaning more clear, the reading more smooth.  Even though improvements were necessary, the old flavor and intent of the writing remains.  


    Hope this helps.




    Yay! Thank you Rachel, you just saved me $10 ;-).

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