Beautiful Girlhood

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  • 3fallingleaves

    I was curious if anyone has used this book with their daughters. Would you recommend it, if so,  the original version by Hale or the revised by Andreola?  Companion guide?  I would also love to know at what age you felt was good to go through it. My daughter is 9, ten in December. My parents never had any sort of talk about anything in life. I want to do better (I have a 5 and 2 year old daughter as well, so I’d like to do well at this!). Anyway I have no model to go by and would just love any advice on helping pre-teen to teen daughters make the transition to womanhood well equipped with Godly wisdom. Thanks!


    I have not read it personally but I have heard from friends that they did not like the tone of the book.  Instead they recommended the Bob Schultz books (Boyhood and Beyond, Created for Work and Everyday Battles).  Although these 3 books were written for boys they apply to everyone of all ages.  I’ve been pre-reading them and LOVE them!  I’ve finished 2 and am currently reading a 3rd.  I highly recommend them and will use them with both my boys and my daughter.


    We haven’t used Beautiful Girlhood, but I can second Boyhood and Beyond as being terrific for both boys and girls.


    Thanks for the input!  I will check out the books you mentioned.


    I never read through all of Beautiful Girlhood but I thought the beginning was sweet. However, I knew right away that it would not be my daughter’s cup of tea.

    She did enjoy Elizabeth George’s book-A Girl After God’s Own Heart. 🙂

    My son read Boyhood and Beyond ages ago. I never even thought about pulling it out for my daughter.


    missceegee, (Or anyone)

    For what ages do you recommend Boyhood and Beyond?



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