Banana chips?

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  • Linabean

    Does anyone here know if it is possible to make banana chips at home without deep frying (we don’t do this at all, ever) and without a dehydrator (just not in the budget right now and won’t be for a while)? I really want to start making my dh some munchies but we just can’t be doing very much baking right now because of the cost of baking ingred. If anyone could give me some hope as to how I could manage this with nothing but a banana and an oven, I would be soooo happy!



    I know you can dry things out like a dehydrator by having the oven on low, the oven door open a bit and doing it a long time… I just don’t know the details.


    Preheat oven to 150, slice very ripe bananas thinly, dip them in lemon juice (to keep them from turning brown), spread them in a single layer on a greased cookie sheet.  It will take one to two hours in the oven.  Check after one hour–they will be slightly flexible while hot but harden when cooled.  Allow to cool completely before removing from cookie sheet. Store in a zipper-plastic bag or container with lid.

    If you notice any signs of spoilage after a few days, that means you should dry your next batch in the oven a little bit longer.  My mom used to make these a lot, even before she bought a dehydrator.  Sometimes she left out the lemon-juice-dipping part and sprinkled a bit of cinnamon on them before drying.


    Thanks Sue! Should I leave the oven door open a little as suzukimom suggested?

    Much appreciated,



    You know, I don’t remember her leaving the oven door open.  I’ve made them a couple of times (but not for a long time), and I haven’t been leaving it open.


    Hi Sue,

    So, I tried making them….they didn’t turn out. It seemed that they just didn’t want to firm up at all. Could it be that my oven was TO LOW? Could I have cut them to thin, maybe? I followed the directions closely….???? Any thoughts?




    Well, they do have to be very thin, and it seems to me they were taking a long time. My kids said we haven’t made them since we moved in here, so I guess it’s been about 4 years since I’ve made them! I’ll have to try them this weekend and I’ll let you know.

    I looked up a recipe on eHow, and they said to let them dry in the oven for 8 hours! They also said you could just use the pilot light for enough heat in a gas oven. Here’s the link for that if you want to look at it:


    I was thinking that for most recpies it would be about 4-6 hours….  I didn’t know for banana chips…


    Thanks ladies,

    I will try again with a longer amount of time and see how they turn out. I’ll let you know if they work this time.

    Be blessed,


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