Audio for kids 3-8

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  • Misty

    We are listening to the Percy Jackson series, but they are a bit hard for my younger ones to listen to.  Really the girls (5&3).  So I said we’d swap Percy with something more for them this next time before moving to audio #3 in the series.  

    Got any great suggestions for 2 girls to listen to?  They don’t mind the length, as they do great we primarily listen in the car.  Thanks for any suggestions Misty


    Pippi Longstocking series (huge hit!), Mercy Watson series, The Wizzard of Oz, and the first two Little House books have been recent car trip audios for my DS7 and DD4 (barely 4). Charlie and the Chocolae Factory was fun, but there are some pretty disrespectful kid characters in it. We just started The Story of Dr. DooLittle. So far, it seems to be a well-liked too. My sister recently listened to A Little Princess, The Secret Garden, and Mr. Popper’s Penguins with her kiddos of similar ages. Depending on the history era you’re studying, there probably are some historical fiction novels that might also be a good fit?


    I’m so glad you asked this misty! We are driving 10 hours to NC in October and I was trying to figure out a book for is. Kids are 5.5, 3.5 and 9m. Yay!


    Patch the Pirate CDs…These are not books, but audio drama from Majesty Music. Ron Hamilton lost an eye to cancer years ago and kids started calling him Patch the Pirate. That is how these stories came to be. Mr. Hamilton plays Patch, and his wife and children are also characters in the stories. Mr. and Mrs. Hamilton are musicians and have written many songs, so the stories have really good songs intertwined in them. They have excellent Bible/character lessons in each adventure. My daughter listens to them over and over again. My dh gets tired of hearing the same thing over and over again, but I don’t mind because I love to hear and sing along with some of the music:) The earliest stories are when the Hamilton children were young, so those stories are geared toward the very young, ang age range would progress as each story was produced. My daughter is 11 and still enjoys listening to the later stories when the children are older. Some of the Hamilton’s grandchildren may even be in some of the later ones.  Here is the website. The first ones on the page are the latest ones (International Spy Academy) and in order go back to the first ones made (Patch the Pirate Goes to Space, etc) The treasure boxes contain 4 CDs, so are more economical. I have purchased some on Ebay as well.


    We have quite a few of them, so I can’t say which are favorites, but all that we own have been enjoyed by my daughter. If you decide to purchase any of these, I would recommend starting with some earlier ones like Misterslippi River Race, Kidnapped on I-Land, or Once Upon a Starry Knight, just to name a few. Sorry I got rambling, but these are excellent teaching tools as well as entertaining for children.

    Actually for ages 5 & 3, you may want to start with the very first ones:) I’d wait a couple of years for the titles I mentioned.


    I’m not chiming in on any particular story or song. I just wanted to let you know of a FREE website. It contains many public domain books, read by volunteers. I will often let my kids (8 & 10) listen to a story to free up my time to do something else (like switch laundry from washer to dryer). Here’s the site: We love it! But, of course, if you’re on the road, this would not work as well for you as a CD. 


    My 8YO DS is really enjoying The Wonderful Wizard of Oz that I got from for him.


    My nearly 5yo enjoys KayRay reading Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.  Her full name is Kara Shallenberg.


    My kiddos are 5 and 6 yo and some of our favories have been:

    Winnie The Pooh AA Milne

    Various Thornton Burgess- especially Bedtime Stories

    Just So Stories by Rudyard Kipling

    The Blue Fairy Book by Andrew Lang





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