Art study

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  • Nabi


    In september, we will be studying ancient civilisation. Could you please help me in finding artists that where famous in that time?

    I am very new to all this 😳





    Welcome, Nabi. I’m not sure what ancient civilizations you plan to study, but one of my favorite authors for art study with children is Shirley Glubok. She has books about:

    Art of Ancient Egypt

    Ancient Indians of the Southwest (and other books about other Native American nations such as the Eskimo, Woodland Indians)

    Art of Africa

    Art of Ancient Greece

    Art and Archeology

    Art of Ancient Mexico

    Art of Ancient Peru

    Art of Ancient Rome

    Art of India

    Art of the Vikings (I love this book!)

    Olympic Games in Ancient Greece

    I haven’t read all of these books, but I thoroughly enjoyed the books of hers that I have read. (She has many books about American Art, by the way).

    The layout of her books make them particularly useful for a CM style of study. It’s easy to read one page-spread with narration per sitting. The layouts in the books are very well-done, the images are large, the text explains the images in just the right amout of detail and provides context for the art, which I especially appreciate.


    Thanks for posting this list. It will be useful for us this next year..



    Thank you very much Esby 🙂

    This list will be very helpful for us!

    I will print it and go check at our local library if I can find some.




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