Are there CM Specific Conventions?


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  • CJKJ

    I am planning ahead for the upcoming convention season and was wondering if there are any CM specific conventions?  We have a couple big conventions near us, but the multitude of teaching styles always overwhelms me.  I’d love to attend a convention that was solely focused on CM and the goals we are trying to accomplish so that I can come away refreshed instead of overloaded.  🙂


    I wish!!! But I’ve never heard of one.  Hoping someone else has. 🙂


    The closest thing I’ve participated in are Sonya’s CM Seminars and the Living Education Retreat in MN. I like the small feel of these events, but it would be nice to have lots of CM resources and speakers in one place.


    There is one in NC every year.  A friend of mine attended it last summer and spoke highly of it.  The website is  This is my first year homeschooling, so all I have ever attended is the local curriculum fair where I learned about SCM.  I’d really like to attend this convention next summer.

    Sara B.

    Like Missceegee, I went to the MN one, as well. But, yes, it would be awesome to have an actual convention completely dedicated to CM. 🙂

    blue j

    The one in NC every year revolves around the AO website as well… in other words, the people who put it on are, at least in part, some of the ones who were on the advisory panel for AO booklists, etc.  While this is not a bad thing, from what I can gather from both the Childlight USA blog as well as the Sage Pernasus blog, a lot of the sessions stem from the POV that you are using AO as the basis of your CM learning.  Again, this is not meant to discourage anyone.  Just check out the blogs mentioned to search out more for yourself. Smile


    Childlight USA is writing their own CM curricula based at least in part on AO. So yes, the POV would be a bit different and not as simple to combine multiple ages as SCM. 

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