Apologia Physical Science Feedback


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  • Anonymous

    For those who have done Apologia Physical Science, would you please share how you structured it? Did you do the tests? How often did you have the child narrate? Did you do the readings together or did your child do it on their own? Things like that.



    I’m a newbie here.  We used MFW last year and my 7th grade daughter used the Apologia General Science book.  She seemed to enjoy it for  the most part.  We followed the schedule that came with MFW, tho my daughter took longer preparing for the test than the allowed which we thought was fine because we wanted her to know the material, not cram and forget.  We did use the tests and no I didn’t have her narrate because I didn’t really know much about narration last year.  We did read some things together that she didn’t understand, but for the most part she was on her own.

    Hope that helps, even tho it’s in regards to the General Science book.  We’ll be using the Physical Science book this year.



    Thanks for sharing your thoughts Melissa. I started out with allowing 2 weeks in the schedule for each module. But I think I’m going to spread it out more and take a little more time with it. When there are experiments, you really need a day just for that. And I was reading ideas from others on how they do Apologia material. One lady talked about potentially spending the first week of a module just learning the vocabulary so that they go into reading the material with an understanding of the terms/terminology. That makes a lot of sense.


    She was allowede 8 days per the MFW schedule (4 days/week).  I think it was 6 days for reading, one for study guide/studying, and one for the test.  She never finished that fast.  I had to do science 5 days/week too and see it took over two weeks, I’d say close to three for her to finish each chapter.  But like I said earlier, we wanted her to understand it and not just study for the test.  I heard DonnaYoung.org has a schedule for science, but I have never looked into it.



    I think I based my schedule off one I found at DonnaYoung.org. But I’m getting ready to revamp it to reflect more time per module and see where that might put us finishing up. Like you, my most important concern is that my daughter is learning the material. Not just studying for a test. I don’t plan on doing the tests actually. I plan to do a lot of oral and written narrations and then do assessments at the end of each module along with a vocabulary quiz. At least the plan right now. 🙂


    We too used the Donna Young schedule.  Our dd also completed a lapbook from Knowledge Box Central.  It was a great way to organize her notes, review, and complete lab reports.  I believe you can order them from Rainbow Resource or Christian Book Distributors.  Blessings, Melissa

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