Apologia Elementary Astronomy

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  • csmamma

    Hi all!

    I was wondering if anyone here has used Apologia’s Elementary Sciece- Astronomy? We’ve used Zoology 1 and 2 with our 1st and 6th grader the last two years and enjoyed them. However, now my older ds is moving on to Apologia General Sciece and no longer will be doing science with his younger brother. That said, I noticed that sometimes even the elementary books were a bit over the head of my then K /1st grader, although, he loved doing the “try this” and “experiments”.

    Now, as he approaches 2nd grade he is beginning to show a great interest in astronomy. I purchased 106 days of creation studies and we love it. However, I think he wants to go deeper and camp out longer in this area of the solar system. With all of that said, I’ve considered purchasing the Apologia Elementary Astronomy but not sure if it will be too much for him at a 2nd grade level(going on eight). What do you all think? Have you done this with a dc this age? What have you thought of the Astonomy guide?

    Thanks for help with this as my ds’s interests seem to be changing….



    Exploring Creation with Astronomy is one of the few “textbooks” that we finished and were sad to have it be done. My kids were 3,6,and 7 when we did that book and they loved every minute. My 9 (then 6) year old will still rattle off the planets. Our dining room wall had construction paper planets on it for a year–and I was sad to take them down too.

    I only wish botany had gone over so well. 🙁

    We really liked this book. My son was in 2 or 3 grade when we used it. He’s 6 grade now and still likes to pull it from the shelf and revisit.:) It was really fun, and very interesting.


    Thanks, Ladies! It sounds like he might enjoy it then -Yeah! 🙂

    So grateful for you!



    We were doing Apologia’s Astronomy while babysitting my granddaughter. She was only three at the time so we didn’t think she was really listening but days later when she came back she asked for that book about the Moon. LOL


    Laughing with you, Sue! That’s great! 🙂


    I have been using AA with my 3rd and 4th graders but I think it can be adaptable for 2nd grade. We have enjoyed it. 🙂

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