Anyone who has used this for 5-6 yo…

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  • susie in ms

    I am considering this for my little one, but I do understand she is a bit young. I am considering GtD. I have a few questions:

    ~~~Can someone tell me a little about Vos Bible story book? About how long are the readings? Is there a pic for each 2 page spread or about every how many pages? I don’t consider this book to *dumb down* a child of this age. I feel it works them UP to reading from the Bible. Are there readings from this book to match most of the Bible selections in the study?

    ~~~I would like aome picture books or SHORT chapter books that are very engaging for this age group to use through out the study. Are there any that you have used other than the Noah book (I have this) and the Pharoah’s boat book?

    ~~~Can someone tell me a little about  Letters From Egypt? How long are the readings? Are they easy to re-tell to a child this age?

    ~~~Why Adam and His Kin for such an advanced age group?

    Background: We are doing FIAR right now and I am very happy with it, and the skills my child has picked up from it, but I am looking for more meat in history and especially The Word. This looks like a place to go, but would like to know if anyone has been successful doing SCM with a child this age. I know Charlotte would roll over in her grave with me wanting to do more school with my child at the age of 5. We woudl have to skip out on the mapping except for just looking at the map, but that is okay.


    Thanks for any responces!

    Susie ~


    I can help answer your questions about Vos – no, there are not pictures for every double page spread.  There are about 25 illustrations and 93 chapters total in the entire Child’s Story Bible (published 1956).  Some chapters are only a page or 2 while others are longer and might need to be divided into 2 sittings.


    susie in ms

    That does help, Tanya. Thank you!

    Do you feel that there is a reading selection in this book that will line up with most of the scheduled scripture readings in GtD?


    Vos. does lineup with some of the Bible readings. Sometimes several of the chapters in the Bible are condenced into one chapter of Vos. If you solely use Vos. you will go through the schedule in a shorter amount of time. I am using it to combine days so that we can go through Gen. to Due. quicker. It really doesn’t miss very much.

    GtD is such an easy schedule that you can easily add on more picture books of your choosing.

     About Letters from Egypt here is a post where Sonya says what books are needed for this age and L from E is not one of them. This book is used on Geography day so it is easy to omit and only do the map drill or project on those days.

    susie in ms

    Thank you! This too helps!

    Sonya Shafer

    We held off on Adam and His Kin because some of it is based on speculation. We want the younger children to become familiar first with what the Bible accounts actually say and don’t say. Then when they are older, they will be able to distinguish between which parts of Adam and His Kin are fact and which are speculation.

    susie in ms

    Makes sense, Sonya! Thanks!

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