Anyone recommend an exercise video?

Welcome to Simply Charlotte Mason Discussion Forum Planning Your CM Education Anyone recommend an exercise video?


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  • Rachel White

    Due to physical limitations, my husband and I cannot show our children proper sit-ups, push-ups, pull-ups, etc… Both of my children play like crazy, outside, on bikes and scooters, but it all seems to entail the lower half of the body. When either is shoveling, bringing in and stacking firewood, pushing the wheelbarrow; their stamina is aweful and the are obviously weak in stamna and upper body strength, as well as core.

    My dd has Sensory dysfunction, so it’s always been a problem for her; my son is sturdy, but too weak; and he shouldn’t be with his body type. Neither are the least bit chubby. I have already determined to start incorporating the Swedish Drill, extend their swing set with a climbing rope and trapeze bar and use the therapy ball exercises regularly w/them both (which I’m supposed to be doing with my dd anyway).Embarassed I just have to schedule and plan it out.

    So, having blabbed all that, can anyone recommend an exercise DVD for children to show them these basic exercises mentioned above? My preference is that there be no hip-hop music and it not be too obnoxious. Does an encouraging, relatively calm, yet engaging Christian one exist?

    Thanks, Rachel



    This might interest you.  It is a homeschool Phys Ed curriculum.

    In Christ, Bridget

    Sonya Shafer

    Rachel, I used some of the ideas from this MonkeySee video series to work on upper body strength with Hannah. I don’t see specific videos on sit-ups or push-ups (It might be included; I’m not sure.), but I like their idea of the gentle transition to push-ups and that it’s specifically for kids.

    Participant is a free website and they offer all kinds of free exercise videos as well as demonstrations of different exercises (like situps, pushups, etc). They even have a free tracking thing for families for how much physical activities each person does. 🙂 We have used this website a lot and love it.

    Alana Adams

    You may want to check out T-Tapp. They have an exercise DVD that was created for children. I first heard of T-Tapp on the Large Family Logistics website (wonderful, btw!), and I recently purchased the Total Workout. I am so impressed. I plan to use it with our whole family… Just add it to our morning routine. :0). The Total Workout is based on Physical Therapy and it has made a HUGE difference in the pain from my bulging disk/pinched nerve in only 3 days! The children’s DVD may not be what you are looking for, but then again, it may be perfect! ;0). Oh, the T-Tapp website has lots of info, videos, & try before you buy stuff…. Hope you find a good fit for your family!


    Alana in MS

    Rachel White

    Thanks all very much! I will check them all out and see what fits.


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