Anyone know how to get a baby to like riding in car??

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  • trulyblessed26

    Hi there, 🙂

    So, we have a 5 month old baby girl who just hates riding in the car.  We have tried everything: changed her car seat, me sitting in front, me sitting in back with her, a picture card thing for her to look at on back of her seat, window shade up, window shade down, toys, music,… you get the picture.  It has come to the fact that when we have to run an errand or anything car related, we all sign a heavy sign as we buckle in and wait for the incessant whining to begin.  She would be fine if she could ride in my lap the whole time, but putting her safely in her seat apparently is baby torture.  And yes, I have adjusted all the straps..several times..  Has anyone dealt with this with one of your children?  Is there a cure, quick fix, anything??  Our whole family would appreciate any help! 🙂

    Sara B.

    I have no experience with this, so this may not help, but it could be she just plain doesn’t like being strapped in and not *free*, kwim?  It may be just something she has to get used to.  🙁  I hope someone else has some ideas, though!  Mine all fell asleep nearly immediately…  :-/



    Oh I can relate!  My first baby didn’t cry every time he rode in the car…but just about!  He eventually grew out of it.  Sorry I can’t give you more help!  I laughed whenever someone talked about getting your baby to fall asleep by driving around in the car.  Ha ha..not in my case. 🙂


    one of mine had slight reflux…and we did not know it …..but evidentally the position the rear facing car seat put him in made him sort of feel like gagging so he was fussy…..we switched from a carrier rear facing to a larger stationary rear facing and that helped…..but as soon as he sat up well on his own and his weight justified it we turned him around to a more up right forward facing and that solved it for us


    I have no advice….my youngest (he’s 5 now) would just cry, cry and cry some more while in the car seat.  We would dread going anywhere…especially 15 minute rides or longer.  My two oldest never did that.  Of course, they enjoyed bottles (and breast), but he only wanted the breast so he was never comforted with a bottle.  It was dreadful.  I will say, though, that he did grow out of it.

    And the fall asleep thing never worked for him either.


    Oh dear, I could have written the post from my3boys. My oldest two boys loved their car seats, were always content; usually falling asleep. However, my youngest hated his car seat and anything longer than 10 minutes in the van was a nightmare. I could only climb in the back and lean over the carseat to nurse him so many times, until I started to get looks from passerbys Surprised. I’m sorry I don’t have suggestions since we tried EVERTHING but wanted to encourage you that she will grow out of it.


    This sounds like my first child…hated the car, carseat, etc.  She grew out of it, but when she was 5 months old, we took a 7 hour car trip to see the in-laws.  The first 5 hours she screamed and cried, then I found a CD someone had given me that I never played for her becasue it was so irritating.  I popped it in and she was silent for the next two hours.  From then on it was our official car song.  In case your wondering what it was (I could sing it for you verbatim to this day)…La La  La La; La La La La; Elmo’s Song; La La La La; La La La La; Elmo’s Song;  Elmo wrote the music, he wrote the words, that’s Elmo’s Song!!  Then it changed to Big Bird’s Song, Snuffy’s Song and so on…all sung to the tune of “Elmo’s World”  Uggghhh!  Now I have it in my head :)…

    It will get better!!!


    Oh man I can relate. I used to lean in and nurse him. He was happy with that but it’s not the most comfortable for mommy. 🙂 He wasn’t happy about car trips until he was facing forward. From then on he’s been a happy camper.

    I doubt that helps but that was our experience…



    U mentioned a lot of things and I know some people just will not do it.  But you didn’t mention a nuk, binki, pacifier call it what you will?  It could be something you only give in the car while moving.  I have done this successfully in a simaliar situation.  Other wise be patient.  Or another thought.  Bring the seat in the house, strap him in and play with him in it, talk to him in it while making dinner, you get the idea.  Try to associate it with a good thing not alonly thing.  just a could thoughts.  good luck.  I have a nuk one now and I always have an older brother sit by her to help keep her happy. 


    I agree with Misty and was going to mention bringing the car seat into the house to make it a fun thing…my older kids used to love to get ‘strappped in’ in the house and sit and watch tv in it:):)

    Ah, yes, the leaning over to nurse…how comfy, huh??  Only problem, besides the passerbys, was that he wanted to be held while nursing.  Oh boy.


    Well, I appreciate all of your posts.  It seems the answer is just going to be time..sigh.  I may try the car seat in the house dealio though just to see if that helps.  Thank you. 

    Iamasahm, she used to take a pacifier but at 4 months she decided that was “so last season” and abandon it for her thumb instead, but the strange thing is she won’t suck her thumb in the car.  Even if we make a fist for her and try to help her stick it in her mouth!  I think she prefers the enjoyment of whining instead.  Oh joy for us. 🙂 

    And Heather, I am so sorry!  I am not sure which is worse, whining or Elmo!!  But I will go through our children’s music more and see if there is something horribly annoying she will fall in love with too. 🙂  Thanks to all!

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