Anyone do home church?


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  • 2flowerboys

    Hello Again!

    I just wanted to know if anyone has church at home? Either with just your family or a real “Home Church” with other believers at a home. We are very conservative Christians who left a church 4 years ago due to some leader issues. Something that was very hard to do. We were extremely involved,and it took months to pray over the situation and then to leave. We floated for a while looking and searching. We found a church to go to and attended for a little over a year. We never felt right to join, because we didn’t agree with the “in the world” youth program and a few other things that were unsettling. But the pastor there was great. Also, disturbed us to see people in shorts on Sun nights. I know some people call us legalistic..I call it paying respect in God’s house to dress nice!! I hate that term “legalistic” thrown around so much. We are called to be a seperate people.

    Well, my husband never felt like our family should be going there. Although, we loved the pastor. We finally stopped going cause my husband had such mixed feelings about the place. He loves God and our family -he wants what is best for us. He does not want to compromise what we believe. Yet, he is torn because here we are another Sunday not in a church and it hurts him. We do worship here at home and all week in homeschool we do devotions, Bible study and stories, along with scripture work and hymns. How do you learn to just accept most churches these days? So relaxed and not teaching about sin? I like praise music! But, not a band in church. Something just doesn’t settle well within our souls at most churches. I know we all have different tastes ..but this seems deeper.  Oh, and of course being homeschoolers sets you apart too. We do a couple of outside ministries on our own. But, that does not take the place of being with fellow believers. I have a friend who has been doing Home Church for years with her family. They go to different homes every Sunday ..and have communion dinner together.

    I know all about how we are to be in a church family! We have not lost our faith and we love God. I just want to know if we are the only ones that are having difficulty finding a church that is God fearing and Conservative!! I have seen similiar posts of not being like others…as not into TV,movies, money,even clothes…this is us too! The world seems to be closing in on us. The more I think about it the more appealing the old days are!!!

    I could write a lot more things that have happened with us, but I will end here! Save you from the misery!! Ha ha Thanks for reading! And God Bless you all!


    Though this doesn’t directly answer your question, here is an old thread on home church

    We were part of home church for 3 years for many of the same reasons. I can understand how you feel; please know that your family is not alone.

    God Bless!



    I agree that there is such confusion within the religious world today and a lot of it boils down to selfishness and worldliness. I would encourage you and your husband to visit this website and open-mindedly study the information given. It all comes from the Bible and ONLY the Bible. No creed or man-made ideas. Christ’s Church is different, set apart, and not worldly. We should all search ourselves and compare our actions in daily life and worship with God’s Word and God’s Word alone. I am not sure where the term “legalist” originated, but if we simply do what the Bible says and DON’T do what the Bible says not to…we are not legalists, but obedient followers of Christ (Christians).




    Yes, we  home  church too. My husband is a pastor, and last year, after much prayer, he decided to start a work with the deaf. He is mostly deaf himself, and the last church he pastored decided he was too hard to understand. Also, we had trouble with two of the children sittting still in church, I believe mostly for health reasons.  I don’t know; maybe I just wasn’t doing something right.FrownAt any rate, the conference we were pastoring for wouldn’t give my husband a preacher’s license because of the children’s behavior.EmbarassedI really think it was God’s way of telling us it was time to move on; I’ve never seen the children so badly behaved before or since! There definitely are good churches out there; I’ve been in several conservative churches that were really great. They are just few and far in between!

    We still attend camp meetings and revivals on a limited basis, but we have church on Sundays at home. It  is so much more relaxing for me, at any rate. We can work on helping the children learn to sit still in service without feeling that we must use certain methods to do it. I’d always loved going to church growing up, but the last few years I dreaded trying to keep my restless oldest son and youngest daughter still in church. Looking forward to paddling a child at least once a service was not my idea of worship! If I had it to do over again, and knew what I know now, I’d never have spanked them for their inability to sit still, but that seeemed to be what was expected. Ah, what we do to please others, sometimes! Sorry for getting off topic, just letting off a little steam!Smile

    I’ve noticed that a lot of conservative churches aren’t listed in phone books. Perhaps you could find the numbers from some conservative conferences and ask if they have any churches in your area. A few good ones that come to mind are the Bible Methodist Connection of TN, (not OH), Evangelical Weslyan Methodist Connection, and Allegheny Weslyan Methodist Connection, among others. Keep in mind that although these churches belong to their particular connection, they are not all alike; one may be frendlier than another, etc. If you’re interested, I could come up with phone numbers for these connections.

    Perhaps someday we may again be part of a regular church again, especially when our church begins to grow, but for now we know that this is where the Lord would have us.

    Enjoying home church for the most part,



    Thank you all for replying. Thank you csmamma for that link. I was going to check on that before I posted..but did not. I guess I just had to get things off my chest!

     And to Rebekah, I know what you mean about kids in the church! I have pretty good boys, but my son is very active and has a sensory disorder. He was always loud when he asked questions about what was going on or when he commented on how he liked the music. My dh cannot handle restlessness in church! So he would get so upset with him. He believes that kids should learn to control themselves.  He and I have different opinions on that issue. I do agree they need to listen and obey. But a little wiggling and quiet questions are ok. My dh expects total stillness and attention. That is a big issue between us. And we would leave church all upset that our then 6 yr old wasn’t listening or being still. On top of that, having sensory issues, he just has a problem with whispiring. He gets his feelings hurt easily…so when dad gets upset he knows and starts to cry. I am like, Here we are going to church to worship God and we leave with dread and sorrow in our hearts. Dad is upset cause he considers it disobedience( i suppose to some degree it may be) and the afternoon is ruined! Talk about not feeling good when we are supposed to have been brought closer together.

    We are trying to teach them to be still. Boy, is that hard! Like I said they are FULL of energy from the time they get up until when they go to sleep!!   Bless your husband for working with the deaf.

    To Amanda, I agree that I want to be a follower of Christ and the Bible. I want my actions to be pleasing to God. I don’t want to please the world!

    I am so glad I can come and talk with all of you. I wish we could all get together for a church of our own! I am dreaming Conservative Christian (Charlotte Mason) Please don’t take that the wrong way-LOL-I don’t want to start a cult!



    We also have our church service in a home – but for different reasons than most.  Our fellowship is a worldwide body with churches and ministries in nearly every part of the world.  We believe that is what the Lord Jesus intended to teach by his example – and it is born out in the Acts and letters of the apostles when different elders are addressed along with “the church in your home”. 

    What are you looking for really?  If you are looking for a group of believers who truly have the Spirit of God and follow the teachings of Jesus in their way of worship and ministry as well as in daily living – the ministers even leaving homes and possessions behind and going to teach and preach the gospel two together like the Lord himself did and sent the apostles to do in Matt. 10 – you could PM me and I could have someone doing this in your area pay you a visit – or I could give you a call and we could talk – so you could see if this might be what you are needing.

    “A broken and contrite spirit Thou wilt not despise.”  The Lord loves to help needy people.  I would just urge you and your husband to honestly and in desperation pray that the Lord will lead you to whatever is truly His way for you to worship.  Jesus is THE WAY and in him are all the answers we are needing.  We know an old lady who years ago when her children were little after going to church and coming home feeling at least as empty as before she went, prayed these words, “Dear God, another Sunday wasted…Please send something!”  And the answer to her prayer was the very next day two of these ministers I’m telling you of came to town.  And it’s still happening today.  I don’t even know your name – but I will pray for you too and God will know who I mean!


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