“Attending a house church…”

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  • Jodie Apple

    I read where Cindy S. and Rachel had mentioned “attending a house church” and I was wondering what that looks like practically speaking. Do you get together with other families in a home or are you referring to just your family worshipping together?

    The reason I ask is because we moved 6 months ago (not by choice, but because of work)from a place we really liked, friends who were ‘like minded’ as far as homeschool and raising children God’s way, a church family that was closer to us than our biological families and are now in an area that feels like the desert! We can’t seem to find a church home that is a ‘fit’ for us and I’m really beginning to think that maybe for a season we’re supposed to “home-church”. But I struggle with this in one area and that area relates to Hebrews 10:25, “Let us not give up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but let us encourage one another–and all the more as you see the Day approaching.”

    Anyone care to comment?



    I was speaking of a literal house church; one where families meet together. The first one we attended was a group and the dads all shared. Now we have a pastor and met in their home for years. We have now moved to a primary school because of space limitations, but it’s still the same thing, just a different locale: families worshiping together, without segragating the younger ones. I agree with Hebrews 10:25, however, I understand the desert. Don’t you think it is a heart attitude? We can say, “Oh, we’ll just worship alone-period” or we can say, “Right now we’re waiting and praying and visiting and interviewing, and, and…” Having said that, your husband would be the one that would know for sure.



    Jodie Apple

    That sounds exactly what I’ve been wanting! A small group of families coming together to worship without segregating the kids out. But we haven’t found that here (or anything remotely close to that). Perhaps I’m just being impatient and wallowing in self pity while I grieve over what we had to leave behind. (Patience isn’t one my strengths….) 😳

    I’m a little fuzzy on what you meant about it being a “heart attitude”. Could you help me understand better?

    Thanks for taking time to share!! I glean a lot from your posts!!


    (((mj))) An understanding hug. We are looking for a fellowship as you described above.

    Something the Lord has clearly shown me (but it took a long time; years actually, to actually embrace it) is that Hebrews 10:25 has been put in a box; defined in one certain way. I meet with a group of ladies twice a month and have been fed and encouraged as never before. Sometimes we meet in my home. Sometimes at Borders over an iced tea. Our meetings are a beautiful example of Hebrews 10:25, though many church “buildings” would not agree. I have had to learn to only care about what God thinks.

    We finally found a home church. I am beyond thrilled. My husband is cautious. He is afraid to get involved because the families there are a huge part of our lives in other ways (homeschooling, huge sports involvement) and sadly we have lost relationships because they were connected with a church.


    HSing 5; ages 18 (graduated in 2008), 15, 11, and 3 yr. old twins


    We too attend a home-church fellowship. We gather as families (children included) and worship, pray, discuss the Word, eat meals together, encourage and pray for one another, etc. What does your dh think, MJ?

    There’s a wonderful group of believers in Indiana, who answer lots of common questions about home churches on their website


    You can download articles & books for free. You can also request any of the books in printed format and they will send them to you at no charge, as part of their service for the Kingdom of God.



    I am soooo jealous. 😆 I have been wanting to move to a home church that some friends have started. But at this time God hasn’t moved my dh to make that type of a move YET!!! We were able to visit one Sunday and had a great worship and fellowship experience but for now my husband has signed on to teach Sunday School at our current church for one more year. It would be a big change for our family to move churches but I believe it would be a great one!! I’m praying that God will lead us where he wants us.

    Blessings to you guys,




    You wrote: I’m a little fuzzy on what you meant about it being a “heart attitude”. Could you help me understand better?

    I was responding to your concern about Hebrews 10:25. The heart attitude is one that is in a waiting mode until God shows you where He wants you (humility and expectation). The opposite attitude would be one that says there’s just nothing out there and so we’ll stay home (pride). My point was that your attitude of the former shines plainly and so there should be no concern that you are violating scripture.




    We currently attend a house church. It is a sister church from one that started 14 yrs ago but became too large to continue meeting in their current location. So they split and we attend the smaller of the two. We have a plurity of Elders and we all are together for the full Lord’s Day.

    No matter what though you need to allow the Lord to guide your husband in this area and watch Him work providentially in your family.

    Jodie Apple

    Thanks for the ((hug)), Nedra! I hope things work out for you guys!

    Heather, Thanks for the info!!! Dh is so burdened at work and we’re both a little discouraged as we’ve visited soo many churches in the last 6 months. I think it would be great for he and I together to research the link you posted. Interestingly, our next door neighbors have been searching for a church for longer than we have and I get the feeling that they’ve just about given up. Who knows, maybe our two families could be the beginning of a house church!!

    Ah, Cindy. I see now what you mean. We just haven’t found the right ‘fit’ yet. But members of our extended family seem to be getting impatient with us saying that “your kids need to be in Sunday School and Youth group” and “The longer you ‘search around’, the easier it is to not be actively involved in a church.” They really don’t seem to understand when we say “We’re letting God lead us to where He wants us.” They think we should just pick one and move on. Thanks again for your words of wisdom!

    Shanna, thanks for the encouragement.


    Have you checked out http://www.ncfic.org to see if there are any family integrated churches in your area?



    I apologize for not attending to your question and just being selfishly jealous of the others. 😉

    It must be hard especially with well-meaning family saying you need to find a church. But be strong in the Lord, knowing that above all others God wants you to be in a fellowship of believers to learn, grow, mature, and encourage one another. So it will be in His timing and in His way. I will be praying for you and your DH. It will be interesting to see what God has instore for you guys and possibly your neighbors. Keep us updated.


    Jodie Apple

    It’s ok, Shelly. I’m jealous too! 😉 Thanks for the encouragement and prayers. God either hasn’t led my dh in this direction yet either or dh isn’t listening very well! 😮 It may take a miracle for him to be open to this type of idea for church; but then, God is in the Miracle Business, isn’t He?!!

    Shanna, I didn’t even know that we could do a search in our area like that. Thanks so much for the info. I’ll check it out.

    Blessings to you all. You are a great encouragement to me.



    Wow! I didn’t realize Cindy and my little side-comments would take off into such an interesting discussion, but I’m glad it did! Unfortunately, Hebrews 10:25 has become one of those verses which is often plucked up out of context and used to guilt folks into never missing an “authorized” church service (certainly not by anyone here, but I have been the target of this unfortunate action). For me, the real beauty of this passage begins with the overall context of the new covenant’s superiority over the old, the priesthood of Jesus (Spirit-grace) has replaced the insufficient priesthood of men (sacrifice-law). It is in that amazing, paradigm-shattering context that we read Hebrews 10:19-25:

    “Therefore, brothers and sisters, since we have confidence to enter the most holy place by the blood of Jesus, by a new and living way opened for us through the curtain, that is, his body, and since we have a great priest over the house of God, let us draw near to God with a sincere heart in full assurance of faith, having our hearts sprinkled to cleanse us from a guilty conscience and having our bodies washed with pure water. Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for he who promised is faithful. And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another —and all the more as you see the Day approaching.”(TNIV)

    I would continue to the end of the letter as the writer of Hebrews says some of the most amazing things regarding this new life in Christ, our assurance of it and how we are to live, but for the sake of space I will refrain. The main thing I would like to point to is that this “assembly or meeting” of believers has absolutely nothing to do with a building or location, it’s a non-issue which has unfortunately been made into a major issue. In fact, it is only one of two places in the new testament that the greek word “episunagoge” occurs (the other being 2 Thessalonians 2:1… interesting). If the author of Hebrews meant this passage to refer in particular to the regularly scheduled meeting of believers he/she would most likely have used the word “sunogoge (as in James 2:2). The “epi” in “episunagoge” adds the meaning of “over” or “above and beyond” which implies that this instruction is aimed at a more informal kind of “assembly” which happens outside of the regularly scheduled gatherings, like coming together on a friday night with other families for supper and a sweet, open time of friendship and fellowship.

    The primary instruction in verses 24 and 25 is to “spur one another on toward love and good deeds”. The writer then specifies how to do that: by meeting together and exhorting (encouraging) one another. If we abandon being together, how can we possibly “stir up love and good works”? The emphasis, then, is on the PEOPLE, not the place. It really doesn’t matter if the place of meeting is a modern, air-conditioned venue with a big parking lot (and probably highly mortgaged, but that’s another issue), a tiny apartment or an obliging field. What matters is that believers come together in order to celebrate and experience kingdom life with each other.

    If location did matter, then I fear many of the meetings I have witnessed in places like Sao Paulo, Brazil and Nyeri, Kenya would fall outside legitimacy and those wonderful brothers and sisters might then be seen as “forsaking the assembly” by meeting together in a field, a park or a grass hut. Do you see how this argument simply falls apart outside of our western notion of “doing church” under a steeple? Otherwise we would come mighty close to saying that certain verses may not necessarily apply to folks in other cultures, implying that our western way of doing things is the correct way… dangerous! Was the bible written for our 21st century American christianity or is it sufficient for all believers in all places at all times?

    The Church, then, is not a place but a PEOPLE. Jesus is coming back for a BRIDE, not a building. The beauty of the Kingdom of God is that it transcends time, place, social class, ethnicity, gender, age, political affiliation… you get the point. Our citizenship is now in Christ’s upside-down kingdom where the first will be last and the last will be first, where there are no celebrity christians, and where we are truly free. Okay, I’ll stop now! I have more to share but I don’t want to overstay my welcome 🙂 For the record, I personally have nothing against meeting in mainstream church buildings, I’ve seen Jesus there too. Our family has simply opted out of that system, just like we opted out of the educational system because we found something that resonates with our heart. That was our choice and I don’t judge any brother or sister who chooses differently. Like Cindy wisely said, it’s really about the attitude of our heart.

    Here are a few books that helped my husband and I understand the idea of home/house church. We found them to be written in the right spirit of wanting to help and encourage, they are not angry, church-bashing books (which are certainly out there too!).

    ~Pagan Christianity by Frank Viola and George Barna

    ~Reimagining Church by Frank Viola (the sequel to Pagan Christianity)

    ~So You Don’t Want to go to Church Anymore? by Jake Colsen (don’t let the title throw you, it is written in the form of a fictional story and addresses some really deep questions) It is available in pdf form here: text to link

    Grace and Peace, but most of all Love,



    This was a beautiful post. Thank you for sharing your heart and wisdom in this way.



    Rachel, I agree with Nedra, your post was beautiful! I would love to chat over tea sometime. 😉

    Shelly & MJ, you don’t have to be jealous of home churches because they too, have challenges of their own. Just like homeschooling does. 😉

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