Another Neat Book

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  • LillyLou

    I just want to mention this neat book I picked up at a used curriculum sale.  I had never seen it before, but thought it would be a neat way to introduce vowels and consonants.  Who knew there was (what I would consider) a living book on the subject?! 

    It’s called The War Between the Vowels and the Consonants by Priscilla Turner, pictures by Whitney Turner.  I’m planning to use it pre-Delightful Reading with my 4 year old, just for fun exposure.

    Hope everyone’s having a lovely day!




    Thanks!  I just placed it on library hold!

    Sara B.

    That looks really cute!  Thanks for the heads-up!


    Heather: Hope you enjoy it, I just think it’s darling.  And make sure to talk about the illustrations with your kids; it’s akin to thumbprint art, except the “thumbprints” are letters.  Pen and colored pencil, it looks like to me.  We might end up using it as a springboard for an art project for my 8 year old and 4 year old together-they’re both pretty artistic, and I think they’d have fun with that sort of project.  Maybe even continue the original story!  (See, now my wheels are turnin’ LOL)



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