Ancient Rome videos?

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  • Amandagwa

    Are there any good video series or movies that we could watch to go along with the Ancient Rome history module? Something appropriate for an 11 yr old girl and 8 yr old boy?


    They might enjoy Drive Thru history.


    We used Drive Through History’s Holy Land DVDs.  My DC and I all enjoyed them.  I believe volumes 3 and 4 cover new testament history.


    We were going to watch The Eagle, my library has a copy. It is the movie version of Rosemary Sutcliffe’s Eagle of the Ninth. I cant vouch for appropriateness for that age group, but I was going to try it with my 7, 10 and 13 year olds. We always watch together so we just turn it off it seems to be going in the wrong direction. My research suggested it would be o.k., but you know how that goes.


    You can watch Drive Thru History episodes streaming free on TBN website or iTBN channel on Roku.

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