American Girl books

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  • Jodie Apple

    We were given several sets of these books ( a “hand-me down” from our niece) and I’ve noticed some brief comments on other threads related to them.  I was hoping that some of you could offer a bit more information so we could make an educated decision on whether to keep them in our library or just get rid of them.  Thanks!


    I think they can be fun to hang on to for a bit, there are some good stories, history and character lessons though they don’t come from a christian perspective.  We have some of the books and the paper dolls and my girls enjoy them.  Personally, I won’t spend money on any of the American Girl products (brand new) because they financially support and promote homosexuality and abortion through a program for girls called Girls Inc.  I think they can be fun to read and then perhaps pass along, they certainly aren’t living books, but they can be useful when studying certain periods of US history.  There’s my two cents for ya!

    Rachel Smile


    My sister in law (age 10) absolutely loves these books.  Mom says she will find her up in the middle of the night reading!!  They may not be considered living, but they do offer a perspective in life during different time periods, and I’m of the assumption that sometimes a little “twaddle” is okay (and maybe even necessarySmile)


    My 4 and 6 yr old LOVE to hear these as book on CD. I really enjoy them myself. If you don’t want them you can send them to us 😉

    I like the history and information about simple daily living (they seem to be accurate, but I’ve never studied up to make sure). They also (at least the ones I’ve heard) are very family friendly and have good relationships with simblings and are respectful of authority.

    And though the company did support homeosexuality and abortion indirectly (not until 2005) they supposedly do not anymore. From wikipedia: 

    In August 2005, one of the products offered by American Girl was the “I Can” band. The company web site stated that “American Girl will give 70 cents for every dollar of “I CAN” band sales, plus a $50,000 donation, to Girls, Inc., a national organization dedicated to inspiring all girls to be strong, smart, and bold”.[10] The relationship to Girls, Inc. has been criticized by some conservative activists on the grounds that Girls, Inc. supports abortion rights and acceptance of homosexual orientation. American Girl states that these donations are earmarked to support the work of Girls, Inc. in the areas of intellectual development, leadership, and sports programs. American Girl has since severed ties with Girls, Inc.

    I would trust the older books to be good, but who knows what they will produce in the future as it looks like they are now owned by Matel. And the new company president (who succeeded the founder) is recognized as being a sales and marketing genius – not a history lover or concerned parent.

    Wow! It’s amazing what you can learn by doing a few google searches. HTH!

    Jodie Apple

    Thanks everyone for your input.  I guess we’ll hang on to them for now.  DD isn’t quite ready for this reading level but when she is, she may enjoy them.




    Thanks for sharing the updated info.  American Girl got a huge reaction from concerned parents a few years ago regarding their donations  to Girls Inc so I’m not surprised they decided to sever financial ties.

    Rachel Smile

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