Amazon Prime

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  • CindyS

    Does anyone have an opinion on this? Is it worth it?

    I use the program and have done since it started.  Our whole family are book lovers and so for us it was economical to pay the yearly fee.  I also love the fast delivery.  I buy a lot of second hand books from Amazon as well, and then I have to pay a delivery fee, but all in all if you buy a lot of new books or other things from them, then it is worth it, if you don’t buy a lot then I would not bother.  I hope that helps.  The fee covers delivery on all new things, movies, books, cds, and pretty much all they sell.  I buy books every month, so I think it is worth it. 


    Well, I guess it depends on how much you order from Amazon.  We have it this year because I knew I was going to try to build up my home school library.  Regular libraries and I don’t work well together.  We also buy some dry good products like vital wheat gluten, Clif bars, yeast bricks, etc.  We probably won’t renew it for next year, but we’ll have to decide later.  I think if you know you are going to buy a lot throughout the year, then it could pay for itself tenfold.

    Sorry I couldn’t tell you yes or no.  I’m not sure myself yet.


    That was helpful, thanks. I hadn’t thought about other products. I think I’ll take another look.


    Cindy, I did the “free trial” of it this Christmas, and that was nice as I received several items quickly at Christmastime.  But I canceled it before it billed me this year.  I get almost all of my shipping from them free already, except for Zshops items, so the only extra benefit for me really was the time factor, and that just wasn’t important enough to me to pay the $$ for it.  I get a lot of stuff from Amazon, but we usually group it into at least $25 worth at a time to qualify for the free shipping.


    I agree with Bookworm.  I did the free trial at Christmas as well and cancelled before I was billed.  I never have a hard time putting together a $25 order Tongue out 

    With a little planning, the extra shipping time doesn’t become a factor.  In the end, I would rather have $79 in books than faster shipping.


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