After Math Mammoth?

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  • Heather

    My son completed Math Mammoth a few months ago, and it’s the only math curriculum we ever used. He did all 7 years with Math Mammoth. We moved on to the Foerster Algebra 1 textbook, which was one of Maria Miller’s recommendations. He HATES it! He complains so much and declares, nearly daily, how great Math Mammoth was and how much he wishes they made high school math curriculum.

    Looking at the assignments, I see his point. The Foerster book seems very focused on vocabulary and it’s not nearly as easy to follow as Math Mammoth was. I haven’t purchased the Math With Out Borders videos that you can get to go with the text.

    Does anyone who has used Math Mammoth help point me toward a high school curriculum that’s easier to transition to? All of the high school math out there is so expensive, even the used Foerster’s text book we bought cost more than 2 years of Math Mammoth curriculum. I don’t want to jump around wasting a lot of money on curriculum that’s not the right fit for us. Suggestions would be much appreciated!


    You might look at Jacobs algebra 1. He was a student of Foersters and his book is reportedly easier and more accessible. You might also just look at the math without borders videos.  Also there might just be more vocabulary in algebra. I will have to look at my Foerster’s text an see what you mean.

    It is highly recommended and I know that my non academic nephew used it with success, but there it was certainly a case of we bought this and we will use it and get Algebra over with;) His mother did it with him. Also know you don’t need to do all the problems! It also is not a write in book, you could copy his problems for him and gradually go to having him copy them. Also you read the explanation, then teach it to him so it’s not so wordy for him.


    One of the best components of Forester is that you can teach yourself from the book. It is so step by step but it does get wordy at the beginning and focus on definitions, most Algebra texts do. I hate to say it, but most math texts are hard to do that with and really get the concepts not just memorize steps.

    I don’t know of a high school text that works like Mammoth where she shows rather than tells. Disclaimer- I haven’t used them all.

    Math U See, maybe, but if he went through Mammoth 7, Math U See Algebra will feel like a step or 2 backward.

    Videotext likens math to a language right off the bat and it is super expensive but two of my son’s really liked it. I tend to use it for the kid’s who are naturals at math and can then apply the concept anywhere. They have way less practice then would be needed for a couple of my students. My students who have used that program can for the most part do things alone.

    I only have Jacob’s Geometry (not the Algebra) but it always seemed more word happy than Mammoth but maybe the Algebra is different. I have heard of kids who enjoy reading his text since he makes them fun but it isn’t like Mammoth.

    If you are able to teach then maybe Jacob’s or Dolciani’s  but without extra supports it may be better to do something with added videos for explanations etc to take on the teaching portions and something that assigns an appropriate number of problems. Most textbooks have way more problems than needed in general because different students might need extra practice with different types of concepts so they are there as extra practice. I find it can be difficult to pare a book down if you don’t know the material well yourself.

    I know Maria says students should learn from a textbook but students in school get a textbook + a teacher. If your student is learning on their own you may want to look at a more supportive, made for homeschooling, type of curriculum. If you are able to teach him, then I recommend picking a book you personally are comfortable working with.


    Oh and as a sidenote, the Math Without Borders lectures are good but boring. If he already hates the book then he won’t feel better about it after a lecture. 🙂 He is very detailed though when you are stuck. It is just so much faster for me to teach a concept because I can ask my students questions and therefore quickly skip over parts they know.


    We use VideoText. I bought the books and dvds, some used, some new, years ago. is a good supplement. They explain the most common mistakes. Purple Math helped my son who struggled with Math U See Algebra to finish algebra.


    Thank you for the feedback!

    frogger, your input on the videos was exactly was I was afraid of – from the sample they look really boring, which is likely just to make him hate it even more.

    I have heard several recommendations for VideoText, but the price tag is pretty off-putting for me.

    Ruralmama – Jacob’s is another recommendation of Maria Millers’ so maybe I should take a look at it.

    This son is pretty adept at math and has never had much trouble grasping the concepts, but he’s so used to the Math Mammoth way of explaining and demonstrating the concepts a bit at a time that the pages and pages of words and definitions in Foerster’s are a huge drag to him (and me!)

    I was considering Math U See, so your input on that was is very helpful frogger. Thank you.

    Is there a Singapore Math for Algebra? I have heard that Math Mammoth is similar in many ways to Singapore Math – maybe it would be an easier transition??


    Have you looked at Life of Fred? It’s less problems and the extra problems book isn’t needed for most.


    Honestly, if you find the silver bullet please share!

    My son struggles with dyslexia and we have worked our way through Forester Algebra 1 very tediously. We took a brief break and attempted MUS thinking it was time for something easier but he had already covered pretty much everything in it so we trudge on.

    What I would love is simple with clean pages like MUS but more meat to it, especially application problems, but a lot less meat than Forester. Maybe smack dab between them would be perfect but I don’t know what that is.


    This is for people who are looking for high school books when they finish Singapore.



    I am thinking of ordering a Algebra 2/Trig by  Dolciani to see if it is an improvement but I don’t have it yet.


    Just wanted to give an update here…

    We decided to go with Jacob’s Algebra (another recommended by Maria Miller from Math Mammoth), and that has been a MUCH better fit for my 9th grader than Foerster’s and he feels like it’s a better match coming from Math Mammoth. No more complaints!

    They have some really cool real world word problems in Jacob’s Algebra that really help you see how math is used in real life. He also enjoys the comic strips!

    Thank you all for talking it out with me!

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