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  • Laurie

    For those of you reading these are part of your literature do you just read one story or do you do several at a sitting?  They are very short and while I don’t mind having some easy reads too, I was just wondering how everyone handled these.




    As I use them to introduce the art of narration to my children when they are starting narration for the first time, I generally read one at a time. I also like to give them time to think about the lessons found in the story on their own. This time helps them to remember the story and use it internally as they are developing their character traits. =) I have noticed my children acting out the stories we are reading more than once, so I know it works to spread things out and not cram them just because they are short and it would be easy to check it off our list quickly.  (But boy oh boy, not cramming is hard sometimes! lol)



    I like what sheraz said about lingering with one. In practice, for us, I would usually read 1 whole page from our Milo Winter version of Aesop — which might be 1-3 stories depending on the length. We break between stories for a discussion, and often I would ask what they thought the moral of the story was. This is a lot of fun to hear these responses! Sometimes they come up with better ones than what is printed, at any rate, it’s just a fun way to discuss a story and you can kind of see what that person got from the story.


    With my older 2 kids when we did them, I did 2 stories, once a week.

    This year with my 6yo we are doing 1 story twice a week, and I think I prefer that.


    I like the idea of using these to introduce narration.  That is my next look into subject as I took care of planning easier ones first like history, science and other concrete subjects.

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