Aesop and narration

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  • Katrina in AK

    I would like to use Aesop’s fables for beginning narration practice. How did you choose which to use? Pick the shorter ones first? Go through them in order? Pick favorites?

    I’m having a terrible time not asking questions that are too specific. It is hard to be satisfied with just a sentence or two. (yes, he’s only 6….I know I need to relax.)



    Christine Kaiser

    We used Asop to start practicing narration and I started with very short ones and made sure it involved animals my DD was familiar with. I hope that answered your question :).

    Blessings Christine


    We just started at the beginning and have moved straight through. When we started, I only got a sentence or 2 as well – sometimes even just an “I don’t know” (from my dd6), but my dd has gotten progressively more and more detailed as we’ve moved through it. (You can actually see one of her recent narrations here…we’ve come a long way since last November: )

    I know it’s hard to resist the temptation to pull the info out of him….been there done that…but now, about 8 months into this whole narration gig, I’m starting to see that she understands what to do, and better yet is developing the confidence that she CAN do it. Using Aesop this year to specifically work on developing narration skills has helped me to keep the pressure off of her as well – I’m not as concerned about what she’s ‘retaining’ as I would be with history or science material for example – so it’s been easier for me to let it go when she couldn’t tell me as much as I’d like her to and to trust the process more.

    HTH some!


    Katrina in AK

    This is a great help. Thanks!


    Katrina – We need to work on our narration too.  Aesop’s Fables sound like a great way to start, thank you for posting about it.

    MamaSnow – Can you expand or clarify for me how you went about doing narration?  We have tried some in the past and I would some times get “I don’t know” and then I would try to prompt.  I like the idea of keeping the pressure off.  Can you give some “ground rules” for mom?  Your daughter has good detail and gets the main point well.   Knowing someone else started out with “I don’t know” gives me some hope.

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