add the whole year?

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  • Sahmamma


    I just started my trial of the organizer. My question is, do I add resources for the whole school year or by terms? that may be a silly question.

    I have listed my resources for the whole year and each term on paper, I also have on paper what child is doing what.

    So where do I begin?


    I put in my whole year. =)


    Ok, so what about read aloud books and assigned readin? Do I have to put dates in or would you schedule them to follow after another so that it flexes by itself?


    thats the greatest part of this program!  you can schedule them to follow certain resources and not have to stress over it!   if we spend longer on one or two chapters it doesn’t matter, the next book will just wait in the system 🙂



    I just say to follow the next one.  I put in 14 literature read alouds, and won’t have to always be thinking ahead.  I ave them on my shelf, I’ll just grab them when it comes up on the list.

    Rachel White

    Same here; one just follows another for the leisure readings (scheduled on Sundays) and other independent reads.

    Some books I put in a date-those that I organize around our Holidays or specially timed readings-but other wise, one just follows another.

    I also go ahead and put in my whole year. I’ve tried just a term at a time and it requires too much time. Just get it all done at one time. I look back at my paper trail if I need to refresh my memory about terms, etc.

    When mine pick additional books to read on their own, then I put those in separately, though they each have a list that they write the names on in their rooms and check off.


    I do the entire year, and ad to it if necessary!  I love the system


    I am still struggling with this a bit. I am trying to schedule the books recommended for the Genesis through Deuteronomy and don’t know which days to put them in. Do I need to read through the whole curriculum guide to figure out where each book fits/which day?

    I have a feeling I am making this more complicated than it needs to be.


    When using the guide – I schedule all the books in the guide for every day…. that way if we miss a lesson and everything shifts it isn’t a problem.  I just “close” up the resource for the day if it isn’t the one scheduled that day in the guide.


    You are making this too complicated, LOL ;).  It is scheduled in the Modules, so I DO NOT schedule them myself for a particular day.  I DO put them in the O, but I schedule it to be done on Saturday.  

    As we read through the Module and read chapters out of the books, I go to the bottom of the Daily Schedule.  There is a little line that says “Resources Not Scheduled for Today” – I click on it.  Then I scroll down to find the book.  When I find it I click on the title, which opens the resource and allows me to mark the chapters read or worked on for the day.  It records the date and chapter done.  Then I go back up to my regular schedule and finish entering my day’s activities.

    This keeps a list of all books read and when but DOES NOT interfere with getting my daily schedule being done. Very stress-free. =)


    so say that I am entering literature books for the year right now for family. I put in the first one and a start date, when I went in to enter the second one to come just following the first one the drop down box wouldn’t let me choose that. Do I just put the second book in with no dates or days scheduled?

    Rachel White

    You have to schedule what days of the week, but you go to the “start after” drop down and schedule it after the book you want it to follow.

    Did I say that so that it made sense?


    great. got that part!

    I listed the literature books one after the other. I like to read one completely through before starting another so I am going to do those M-F.

    Now, to schedule the read-aloud books that go with Genesis Through Deuteronomy do I have to go to the curriculum guide and go through page by page and see what week and day of the week each book is read? This seems very time consuming. Is there an easier way?


    Oh, and I have to apologize to everyone, I have a habit of making things complicated.


    Hi, Sahmama. I don’t schedule my books to follow other books. I do what Suzukimom suggested: schedule all the books in the guide for EVERY day and just click the arrows on the left to close resources. I copy and paste the current date into all the resources I am adding at one time.

    Or you can do the opposite like Sheraz and just schedule the resources for an off day (Saturday) and scroll down and click the resources that you want to open for the day. Works the same…this way is actually easier than what I’ve been doing…and I will probably start doing this…Thanks, Sheraz.

    Anyway, you don’t need to enter books in chronological order to follow other books.

    To keep track of where you are in the module, just schedule it into the organizer by putting in “Lesson” as the division and adding 180 divisions with blank lines. You can add notes to every entry as you need to. Keep it simple. You’ll be opening your guide every day so there is no need to add any more detail…just Lesson #.

    As the year progresses, you will find your own tricks to the organizer and will be back here teaching us your tips. Hang in there. One of the best things about the SCM Organizer is that it is easy to make adjustments at any time. Eventually you may have your plan detailed with all the books trailing each other. I have used the organizer 14 months and still don’t prefer to do that.


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