A question for Queens Homeschool supply users

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  • Like another poster said, I did not expect myself to be on such a hunt for a preschool curriculum.  My son is turning 5 in  a few days.  I have taken a very relaxed approach so far, but CM–lots of reading and real life learning.

    My question is….I am very interested in Queens homeschool Easy Pack A.  Could someone tell me about it?  Has anyone used it or any of it’s components??

    I tried to “look inside” the history and science books on amazon and had no luck with that.

    with homeschooling as many children as I am, I just need something mostly laid out for me…. 

    Any thoughts on Queen’s?  Thanks!



    First off, I adore Queen’s Homeschool materials.  We have used their Language Lessons for going on three years now.  My youngest (will be 5 in July) just started Language Lessons For LIttle Ones 1, Pictures in Print Primer and Math Lessons For A Living Education.  We purchased Easy Pack A and C last year before the Student Planner was available.  Here is the current Easy Pack A.  

    Language Lessons for Little Ones (This is learning ABCs and sounds; it also includes picture study, poetry, narration drawing, copywork in the form of letters; very short, 5 minute lessons.)

    American History for Little Folks (Short Stories about American History)

    Boys and Girls in American History (Short Stories as well)

    Home Stories for Children (Very short stories, poems, etc.  Mostly character building and Salvation stories of littles)

    The Nature Study Idea Book (Book of links, ideas, books, activties for all ages on Nature)

    Manners for Mealtimes (Fun card game about manners ~ better for larger families, we already have our own tradition)

    The Story Book of Science (Wonderful narrative of God’s Creation ~ a little over a Preschooler’s head, more for 2nd & up)

    Meet Charlotte Mason (lovely pamplet on the basics of Charlotte Mason)

    Printing with Pictures Primer (Beautiful beginning Handwriting book)

    Printing with Pictures Book A (Continuation of the Primer)

    The Student Planner (This was not included when we bought the Easy Pack.  We use the Organizer, so I wouldn’t have bought this any way.  It looks like a great idea, though.)

    A caveat about Queen’s books:  On the surface they look like there’s not much there, but the books themselves are very rich, full books.  They are republished, vintage books written in a different era, so the language will take some getting used to. I have to admit, I was a little surprised that my youngest listened to The Story-Book of Science at her age. I thought it was more for 2nd grade and older; but I was thinking from my tainted point of view, not hers.  Books written “back then” don’t usually polish over things like death of children and that kind of thing since it was so common place. They also often talk of salvation and Christ, which was also common conversation then; sadly so, not now. They are not your average “children’s books,” in fact, they remind me more of the books Ambleside uses.

    Hope that helps!  Smile


    I have an older child and never got to use the younger books from Queenhomeschool. But I have to agree that just about everything we got from them we have enjoyed. Used all the cursive books, language lessons, history study guides, nature study, spelling and so much more. Looking at a couple of their new items for next year.




    Incase you missed it, here’s a post from last week on Queens materials. Though we don’t use the Easy Packs in their entirety, we’ve picked and chose many over the past five years, enjoying most immensely. My current favorites are the reprints of Douglas Farnham books “Young Men of Valor Series” – truly challenges our boys hearts to live fully for Christ. ~ Heather

    Thanks for all of the good info!  I think after looking at the samples my main conern is handwriting.  I just don’t want an overabundance of handwriting at five years old.  In Easy Pack A they include the primer for the writing with pictures book (can’t remember the name).  Since it is in the Easy Pack I assume that she is presenting writing BEFORE the child is reading.  I don’t know how I feel about that…..?  Anyway, I am willing to try it.  Maybe I will talk with Sandi Queen if I can later on.  I like the idea of the Easy Packs because it just eliminates that part of the decision making and gives me the bones of the structure for my time with him.  I need this for my “lower” functioning times!!

    Anyone else’s comments are welcome!

    I wish I could go to another conference than my local conference!  Ours was a dud last year as far as the exhibit hall, and this year in April, it seems so far that NONE of the companies I want to view are going to be there.  Apparently the attendance to our conferance is small compared to others around the country, so it doesn’t seem to attract curriculum companies as well.




    Just so you know, there is very little handwriting.  You are supposed to do one Lesson a week and a lesson encompasses a page.  As far as the Language Lessons, you write the letter as it’s introduced.  It is very gentle.  There is not a schedule, I think that’s why there’s a planner now.  It’s just a “here’s your books, enjoy.”  I would suggest you call, they are very helpful and I’m sure can answer specifics much better than I could.



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