"A Child's Geography of the World" & "A Child's Geography: Explore the

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  • Sara Hagerty

    Though very different, I know, I would love your reviews on either of these two books if you’ve used them with your children. I have children ages 5, 7, 7 and 9 and am looking for a good geography read-aloud that would engage them and be a platform of geography discussions


    I have not read the Hillyer book, but I have used Voskamp’s and I have a very hard time indulging in her writing style. I enjoy her books like 1000 Gifts and her blog, but this geography (really more of an Earth Science) book was hard to get into and stay with and it did not engage my children like I had hoped (mine are 9, 7 next month, 5 but 7 on paper, and 4).

    We did however LOVE CM’s Elementary Geography. I have the reprinted edition by Queen Homeschool. The lessons were short, interesting, provoked curiosity and discussion, and interspersed with good poetry. Also affordable and quaint.


    Ditto erin.kate exactly. 

    I’m doing alot of ditto’ing tonight!Smile

    I just got a copy of a geography book by C.C. Long, too. It looks like it could be good and I know it’s online free, too. 


    erin.kate, would you mind posting a direct link to where you found the CM Elementary Geography book your mentioned? I’d like to look into that.


    I plan on using Elementary Geo w/ my younger 2 boys as well.  I’ve read the first 5 lessons, or so, and can’t wait to read it to them.  I found a pdf version, downloaded it and have it on my kindle.  You can read it straight from your pc or purchase a printed copy.  I have all my kindle books on my iphone and this one looks better on it than on my kindle.  Can’t wait for an ipad!!

    I wish I had the direct link…oh, I think I found it at charlotte mason help and have read it from there, too.


    I tried both of the Voskamp books and we didn’t like them very much at all.  It was definitely the writing style.  I can appreciate the fact that she is trying to tell a story throughout, but I felt like I needed to baby talk when I was reading it aloud…but, that’s just me.  Innocent

    We’ve just started Verne’s Around the World in 80 Days and the kids are enjoying it.  I am hoping to use the activities suggested in the back of the Geography Matters Book to go along.  

    Thank you for the idea about the CM Elementary Geography book!  I’m going to search that out now and maybe we can use it next!


    I sure will in the morning when I’m not on my phone. I’m not that savvy on this thing. 🙂


    I downloaded the CM elementary geography book from google books this afternoon. I just googled Charlotte Mason’s elementary geography and it pulled up one site that had the book you could read online, but the PDF link from google books was from the Ambleside online website…….



    I’m a novice at posting links and using an ipad to do it, but I hope these work.


    Long’s book is on Project Gutenberg. I have it on my iPad. I need to search for a hard copy…


    I don’t think Queen’s site will allow a direct link, but try this. If it doesn’t work you can go to Queen’s website and click on History & Geography and it’s there called Charlotte Mason’s Elementary Geography for $16.95.


    We liked Voskamps geography book, but I think we would have liked it better if my kids were older when I read it to them They were 6 or 7 and under at the time.


    If I am remembering correctly, we did both the Voscamp and Hillyer books. Voscamp’s was really more earth science. We learned things but the tone was geared a bit low.

    Hillyer’s I enjoyed but one has to be careful with him as he doesn’t always use politically correct language. I would edit bits as I read. For example he would call a Muslim a Mussulman or something like that. But I like his writing style and it does give a good introductory geography to all parts of the world.




    Ummm. A child’s Geography of the World is $44.oo USED, in acceptable condition. YIKES> So, it’s not really accessable then?   🙁

    It also says 400+ pages…… WOW!


    My 4th grader used Hillyer’s book last year. She liked it. It is good for younger ages. I believe there were 72 short (4-5 page) chapters in it. It’s quite interesting if a bit out of date on some things. I picked it up at a library booksale I think so idk about the cost otherwise but sometimes I’ve found things much cheaper at half.com or ebay than Amazon.

    I’ve twice picked up Voskamp’s 1st geography book at hs booksales for a dollar or two, and both times I’ve looked at it, cringed, and resold it. Idk what it is about it but it’s not my style. Her writing style in general doesn’t work for me though. I couldn’t finish 1000 Gifts and I can’t read her blog posts either.


    I’ve used both but honestly, I do not really connect with Voskamp’s style. We are currently reading and enjoying Hillyer’s Geography of the World.

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