What in the world is going on???? I love CM and have been using it for 2 years now. My 7th grader is BORED! He BEGS me to go to public school! I just don’t know what to do? He seems so down all the time. He is very social and desires to be around his peers, however, he is quite impressionable and a follower. He seems to embrace things of this “world” and that scares me! He is very athletic and complains that there are no homeschoolers who are athletic like him and don’t have the same interests as him. I also have an 11 yr old, 10, yr old (struggling reader), and 8 yr old (Struggling reader). It seems like when I focus on one child, the others fall behind. Does anyone else fell like this?
In addition, I see many others doing cutesy Easter things and I feel like a failure because I don’t do any of those things. I feel this way most holidays. My money is limited, as I am a single mom (dad gone for 5 years now with NO contact) so I am unable to do cutesy things, crafts, etc. I so desire my children to have great memories from their childhood. I have also gravitated to relying on our church to teach my children God and His Word. I am partly ashamed to admit that. My children are so precious to me and I just want the very best for them, as we all do.
My son went through the same thing. He didn’t want to go to public school because ours are terrible but he did want to go to the local Christian school. It was a struggle. I ended up allowing him to go to a youth group at a different church because we didn’t have one. He made friends there and was much happier. However, I’m still not sure whether that was the best idea or not.
I feel for your son. How hard to be a boy and not have his dad around. I am sure that is really affecting him. Is there a godly father figure that he could spend more time with?
Are there any other activities you could check into to find more social outlets for him? My son felt the same way about not having much in common with the other local homeschool boys near his age. There were only a couple since we live in a small town and both were a bit younger than him.
I will pray for your son today and for the Lord to give you wisdom. I just wanted to let you know that you aren’t alone.
We changed from having our kids in a private school when our oldest (son) was going into the 7th grade. It was VERY hard, especially because he really wanted to be with friends. He is athletic and loves sports so we made it work for him to play football and wrestle. Between that, our church’s small youth group and a hsing co-op he gets plenty of friend-time (in my opinion). He has finally begun to enjoy the benefits of hsing into our second year.
If there is a man who he can spend time with (from church, maybe? An uncle? A kind grandfather-type in the neighborhood who might like helping him with math?) that might be very good for him. I’m sure that the lack of a dad around adds to your struggle but many great men have been raised up who came from single-mom homes so take heart and pray for this need to be met.
Cutesy, crafty things are not important. Real life does not look like Pinterest. I suggest that you read a chapter from Proverbs with your son every day and don’t fret if you miss a day. God covers all kinds of wisdom there; trust Him.
I’d like to recommend an easy and helpful read called 10 Secrets to the Best Education for Your Child by Kevin Swanson. A friend of mine recently found it through an inter-library loan and is singing its praises after I recommended it to her. You might find encouragement there.
I’m so sorry. Thank you for your courage to share. With all that you have been through I admire you so much for your ability to take on the huge responsibility of homeschooling. It says a lot about you. Your children are truly blessed!
I completely agree that the crafty stuff is not important. Consider it “fluff”. Discipling your children and having their hearts is more important than any craft!
You are not a fsilure. You are a woman tasked with a very difficult job, and you are feeling overwhelmed. You are realizing how tough this is and are at the end of your own abilities. This is a very hard, painful place to be. It’s also an exciting place to be. God knows where you are and has a plan for you. He has the answers, but he wants you to know that they come from him not from your own strength. He made your son and loves him, he will not forsake him during this time. Pray pray pray and trust that Gid will give you answers.
I’ve got seven boys. Boys this age need a mission. They need a vision. Something bigger than themselves. They are restless and need to work toward something and work off extra energy. Pray about a task that your son can begin and do on his own. Something that will benefit him of the whole family. Pray for Godly men to come along and help you. Don’t be afraid to specifically ask someone. Ask a godly man at church if he has any work for your son. Does he know how to mow grass? Have him take over all outdoor maintenance of your home. Have him cut neighbor’s yards too. Go to them ahead of time and tell them he needs a project. Ask if he can do it as a service for a little while. Eventually, someone may pay him or he can start mowing other grasses for money.
Don’t be afraid to ask or even beg for help or opportunities for him to be around other men learning manly things. Pray like crazy and Godvwill bring an opportunity for him.
What kind of area do you live in and what are the sexes of your other children?
Thanks ladies!!! The ages of my other children are 11 (boy), 10 (boy), 8, almost 9 (girl). My oldest son is 21 but he is away at college. We live in the country and so there is much outside work that must be done. As far a mentor goes, I have been praying for YEARS for a godly man to come along side my boys. So far I have not been able to find anyone. We are friends with families and in the summer my boys get invited to go camping and I am grateful for that but realistically, families are busy and that doesn’t leave a whole lot of room for mentoring my boys. It is disheartening to say the least.
We live near Hershey, PA and there are not many HS’s in this area. We do not belong to a co op this year but have made plans and set aside money to join one next year so my 14yr old will take a science and writing class. He has a math tutor (sent by God) who tutors him twice a week and he loves it! He is active in AAU basketball and that is happening now. He is so bored during the day and I simply do not know what to give him to do. He is finished with his work by 11:30 and then becomes a disruption to the others who are not finished. He begs and begs to play with electronics but we have some trust issues going on right now and so I usually end up saying no. Any suggestions on what kind of projects I can give him to do? I do not think like boys and do know where to begin???
Can anyone suggest a skeleton outline of what a typical day would look like with my 14, 11, 10 and 8 year old? My brain is just so burnt out right now, my thoughts are all over the place. My children are desiring to go on more outings, but again everything we do is times 5 and that is hard on the purse! Any suggestions are cheap family outings? I sure am glad I have this forum to “talk” to. Bless each one of you who have taken the time to respond to me 🙂 I hope and pray God triples your blessings!!
Well we do not do any cutesy Easter things here. No crafts or egg hunts or anything but a church service. That is what is important. Just being together will help your children have great memories of their childhood. We like to visit parks in nice weather, with a picnic. This is not costly and nature and fresh air is good for everyone. Many festivals are free or inexpensive. Again, we bring our own food/drinks and picnic in the van. Our kids know we don’t buy food at these events so they don’t expect it. You can contact your tourism office or website for ideas of parks and festivals and historical events to attend. There are usually small historical museums which a local historical society runs and is usually free or asks for a small donation. They tend to have specials and festivals a few times each year to add a little more excitement.
Another mom on here recommended an old book and I really enjoyed it. Hints on Child Training by TrumBull. It is only 99 cents for kindle. I plan to read it again, perhaps yearly. One chapter is about making the sabbath special. You may find more in it to inspire you to teach your children about God and His Word. Read a chapter of Proverbs aloud each day of the month. Chapter 1 on April 1, chapter 2 on April 2, etc. I recommend a short devotional to share with all your children by Bob Schultz called Created for Work. If you like that one, he wrote three more.
We aren’t craftsy here either! Don’t look at pinterest!!!! It’s not real! Many of those moms may be making beautiful crafts while ignoring the children or constantly scolding their children to do their project perfectly so it will be pinterest worthy! There was no pinterest when my kids were little and I never experienced the pressure moms do nowadays from social media. I avoid facebook and pinterest like the plague.
Focus on the life God has given you, the strengths and gifts and blessings He has given you. You are offering your children something no other mom could offer them through your gifts, personality and strengths and God in His sovereign wisdom has chosen you to be their mother! How blessed they are to have a mother who sacrifices so much for them. I really admire you for continuing to do what’s best for your children through such a difficult season of life. May God bless you richly as you seek to raise your children for His glory.
I hear you about Godly men to mentor your son. My husband is not a Christian and there have been very few times when godly men have taken the time to spend with my son. As you say, they are busy with their own families. Those of us who don’t fit the mold often fall through the cracks a bit. However, God has promised to provide all of our needs according to His riches in glory and He is a Father to the fatherless. We can trust that He is working all things for our good.
It sounds like your son needs more work to do. He shouldn’t be finished with school at 11:30 in the 7th grade. Boys need to be kept busy and they really do need a firm hand. Sometimes we can be such softies as mothers and boys really do need us to draw very clear boundaries for them. They will push us a mile for every inch we give them. I would definitely give him more school work, more chores, more whatever you can to keep him busy. Boys will play on our feminine sensibilities if we let them but they really do desperately need us to be firm.
It sounds like you’re working on providing more social opportunities for your son. Wonderful! 🙂
I can tell you what my 14 year old daughter’s schedule looks like right now. 4 days a week her schedule looks the same and on the 5th day it’s a bit different.
4 days a week
Math-about 40 minutes
Composition-about 30 min
Copywork or dictation-about 20 minutes
Literature-1 chapter from a classic or 30 minutes of reading from a classic
Science-about 30 min
History-about 30 min
Piano practice-30 min
Bible study and scripture memory-30 minutes
Latin-30 min
On the 5th day we run errands and do things a bit differently.
Bible study and scripture memory
Then we do the things like Shakespeare, picture study, Logic Economics, Computer programming, nature study, government, art, etc. Basically all the things we have a hard time fitting into our regular schedule. We don’t do all of these things in one day but we rotate them. Right now we are doing a Shakespeare play, picture study and art or computer programming-I let my daughter choose between the last two. She is taking a free computer programming and animation course through Khan academy.
We also have a daily read aloud time of 30 minutes or so.
I second the book Wings2Fly mentioned-Hints on Child Training. It’s wonderful. 🙂
I understand how you feel….you have a lot on your plate! I, too, am a single mom (for nearly 10 years), but there is contact with their dad. I ended up sending my now-16yo ds to live with him two years ago in part because of what you are going through. I have two daughters (15 & 17), and we take care of my 89yo father as well. He is not really much of an influence to my son at this point because he has Alzheimer’s & doesn’t get out much.
I was thinking that if you are in the habit of assigning meal prep to some of your children, perhaps you could have your oldest take charge of several dinner meals during the week. You could place him in charge of planning the meals, making a list for you of what he needs, even coming up with a week-long menu, and then preparing those meals. Even if he doesn’t really like to cook, you could approach it by telling him he will need those skills when he is an adult.
You might even see what needs to be done around your house (painting walls & trim, minor repairs, even larger projects that wouldn’t be too much on your budget) and have him research how best to do some of those things. You might be able to ask a neighbor or a friend’s husband to help supervise your son with such projects, or offer to make them a meal as payment for his time.
I agree with the other moms here that teenaged boys (any teenager, really) need to be busy with something constructive.
Thank you all for your responses! I have been taken them all in! I have decided to take a few days to spend with the Lord and get my thoughts together. I am blessed with a circle of friends who are willing to watch my children while I seek Him. I plan on getting refreshed and have a plan together. If any of you feel led to pray for me, I would welcome them. Specifically, I need clarity on which direction to take with my 14ds. What does having electronics in my house look like and the length of time to be on them, consistency in doing the things God tells me to do, and finally, the daily strength to be with me each day. {{HUGS}}
Ugh. I really don’t like the title of this post, by I get what you are feeling. I feel like I am just failing my kiddos too. Really badly.
You knew to ask for ideas, you are seeking God’s will, and you are loving your son. In the big scheme of things, you are already doing what matters most.
Forget about cutesy, crafty things. If you really need to provide that kind of outlet for your kids, just give them raw materials and let them be creative with them. Or have the older ones lead the younger ones. Have them even research a craft at the library and find the materials they need. Have them either figure out a budget or a way to do it for free with stuff you have on hand or donations from people’s recycle bins. Put an ad on craigslist that you are looking for free materials and someone will be happy to part with accumulated, unused stuff.
Not a failure. You are a work in progress. We all are, since He is not finished with us yet. Blessings for your special retreat time!