7th grade science questions

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  • Tracy Menard

    I’m trying to decide what I want to do for my 7th grader for science this year.  I want her to do nature study with my younger ones (elementary crowd) but I know she needs something with some challenge too.  I don’t really like idea of having her work through Apologia General Science, though.  I’m not crazy about what we’ve used from those texts, I don’t want her having to work through it on her own, I’ve got many students (7 altogether, K-11/12 plus a toddler) this year and I know it will be too much for me to keep up with a textbook curriculum with her.

    I’m for one of these:

    A. Other curriculum suggestions that lean toward living books, but still have a “plan” of sorts so there’s not so much on my plate.

    B.  Help thinking through how to combine her science with her older brother’s studies. He’s going to work through A Beka Physical Science this year. Could I find or put together a list of living books that would complement his text and then have her sit in on his labs and the discussion time I do with him? Would Tiner books be too heavy for her?  The list is actually a good thing to have for him too, so any suggestions for that are welcome, I guess.

    C. Some other amazing, grand idea that I’m not seeing. 😀

    Please help this tired homeschool momma of 15 years and counting make it through another season. 😀 Thanks!


    We are using Ambleside Online’s suggestions for science. That may be a place to start as their suggestions are living books for up to 9th grade, I think. (They’re working on updating the high school years, I believe.) Have you looked at what SCM has for the 7th grade year? I haven’t looked at that recently but I know they have a list of living books for science.

    That’s all I’ve got right now 🙂

    Tracy Menard

    I was just over at AO. Their year 7 would coordinate well with my son’s study of physical science. I’m thinking that could be a great way to go. I can go over their work together, saving me a bit of time and giving opportunity to build that relationship between them. (I hope! 😉 )

    All I’ve seen on SCM is the Apologia recommendation.


    And, a lot of AO books can found online (through the site) or used with a Kindle (or a kindle app). And, if you look at the Y7 Lite, something is removed to lighten the load, I don’t remember what, I’m sorry. And, if you look over what is needed for each term, you may be able to get what you need now and then get some later, unless you can afford all of it now, of course! LOL

    I’m no expert, but if you have any other questions, I can try to help. The site has several study guides that some of the moms have put together that you can download and give to your daughter. Or read straight from the site, as well.



    We are going to be using Sabbath Mood Homeschool’s biology guide (and possibly the astronomy guide as well).




    I was going to suggest taking a look at Sabbath Mood homeschool as well.

    We used most of AO’s year 6 science for my daughter’s 7th grade year. We liked all of the books we read but we did substitute God’s Design for Chemistry for a couple of them. We tried year 7 science for 8th grade but didn’t really care for most of the selections. I happened to own Apologia and my daughter said she liked that much better so we switched to General Science for 8th grade.


    We are using Nicole’s (Sabbath Mood) biology guide now and it’s very good. And FYI, the spine that has been impossible to find has just been reprinted.


    It’s also available on Amazon.

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