4 day schedule or light Friday?

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  • Michelle Brumgard

    I have kindof planned on just copying the recommended schedule from the curriculum planner for a second grader.  However, I just watched the Living and Learning DVD.  My plan is to have “school” done before lunch and have the afternoons free for other activity.  However, I have a mom’s group that meets Friday mornings I plan to continue to attend.  My initial thought is to use Fridays as an errand day and have a four day week.  Yet, I think to have three days off completely might make Mondays rough repeatedly.  If we came home and completed school Friday afternoons versus mornings, what subjects would you schedule?  Literature, History, and Math basics?  I’m just looking for some ideas.  I’m writing on my index cards now to start making my own schedule.  LOVE the Living and Learning DVDs and am so glad I made the investment as a newbie!




    We have done Fridays off (if all week-work done) and never had a big problem on Mondays…

    We would often play math card games on Friday, or Nature Study.   If they like reading it is a good time for free reads or a literature book.   Oh, we do timelines on Friday too…. 


    It would also be a good time to do handiwork instruction.


    We’ve done light Fridays many times. I usually have them do math and anything else that needs more consistency (typing, foreign language). For second grade, I would just do math. 

    My kids do read something each day too. On light Fridays, they will either finish something they didn’t get to during the week for school or pick something of their own. 

    We’ve never had trouble on Monday. Sometimes it actually seems to go better on Monday because they had more time to pursue their interests and I had some time to get to something else also. 

    What does your child do while you are at the mom’s group? 


    I have a similar situation. I consider the activities my son has during my MOPS and Bible study times as good as school. Use the driving times to listen to your composer, hear a read aloud, a foreign language audio, etc. I pack a picnic lunch for those days, and enjoy some play and nature time in a park, and the errands count as life skills!

    I am thinking I need to become intentional about using cash more often, so my son can make small purchases when we are running errands, and use more math skills.



    I have scheduled 4 day weeks. Usually it will be Friday off but If we need to do school Friday and have a different day off that is fine too. My husband isnoffnoncfridas so tht is our day to do nature walks or field trips.

    So our schedule is 45 weeks (3, 15 week terms) 2 weeks off for summer, 2 in October after term 1, 2 for week of and week after Christmas, and 1 week off in March between terms 2 and 3.


    We love our 4 day weeks!  We have weekly morning medical appointments for my daughter and tried doing school in the afternoon that day each week.  Didn’t work out so well, as they’re much better focused in the morning esp. on the skill based subjects.  After too many grump days, we just use that day as a day off.  We’ve done Mondays off for some terms and Fridays off other terms.  It’s never seemed to affect their learning and attention the rest of the week.  As a child, I remember always wishing I could have Monday or Friday off with the weekend.  Seemed like Saturday was spent doing errands and garden work with mom and dad and Sunday was for Church, so there never was much of true day to play.  My kids are also so much more refreshed for their week with that extra day off each week.

    Some weeks, it feels like one less day makes everything more squeezed.  To help with that, we school closer to year round as well as often read a history lesson or composer story or literature read-aloud, etc at dinner.  Low-key Saturdays are great times for art lessons and nature study.  If you go with a 4 day week, it doesn’t have to all fit in from 8 to 12 those four days, 36 weeks a year either Laughing


    I wanted to add, I look at 4 days on 3 days “off” year around as easier to start on Monday than it would be to start after 4 weeks off for summer.

    Alicia Hart

    We have tried 4 day weeks before, taking Fridays off and it has not worked well for us BUT that was with a 36 week school year, so may be that was the problem?


    Just this past year Fridays were our “fun days”.  My daughter went to an art & music class and we would do craft type stuff, science experiments etc. on Fridays.  Doing our usual M-T routine come Mondays was never a problem for us.  This year it will be very different because her extra currics fall on Mondays so, our main school routine will be Tues-Fri.  But, I will be using home time on Mondays for handicrafts, possible nature study and catching up on anything we may not have covered the week prior.  That’s the plan anyways.  😉

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