3 Week on, 1 Week off

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  • Treasure House

    We have always homeschooled with a 3 weeks on – one week off schedule and we LOVE it.  This has allowed much more freedom with whatever is going on with life…holidays, vacations, sicknesses, extra summer activities.  This schedule helps our family stay on track and learning just becomes part of our life.  When the boys were younger we were more relaxed, but the last couple of years we’re attempting to be more intentional with everything we do, so the schedule has intensified.  Having every 4th week off helps when we have time to work on extra projects and all the other fun stuff that gets pushed aside when we’re too busy. 


    Yes, although I have said roughly 3 on, 1 off…. the 1 off will still have learning activities… just projects, following things they are interested in, “field” trips, etc.

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