2 narration questions

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    My son has just completed 3rd grade. We began completely using CM methods at the beginning of 3rd. He is doing pretty well with narrating. My first question is this: do we narrate every day in every subject we read i.e history, science, literature, Bible. etc.? This is what we have been doing just didn’t know if that is what we are supposed to be doing.  My second question: if I understand the Charlotte Mason Companion book and other CM books I have read, we should start written narrations in 4th grade. But since we just began CM last year I don’t know if I should start written or just keep doing the oral narrations? (hope that makes sense)   Also did we start too late implementing CM? Sometimes I feel we have Undecided


    You did not start too late! I feel like I started MYSELF in a CM education as an adult…and I’ve shown good progress, lol! 🙂

    You don’t have to narrate for every subject every day. I do usually ask for narrations from more than one subject per day, but you don’t need to follow a rigid rule. Sometimes I ask for narrations because I can tell the kids aren’t paying attention, or I’ll ask for frequent narrations when the reading is difficult, or other days I might not ask for any narrations at all. Or, I’ll ask for a narration of what we read the previous day before we begin a reading. I tend to mix it up when it comes to asking for narrations as the variety keeps it lively for everyone.

    We transitioned from oral to written this year with my 11yo DD. If you don’t think your child is ready for written narrations, you don’t have to do them yet. A solid foundation in oral narrations will make the transition to paper easier. My DD still does oral narrations and I plan to keep oral narrations part of her studies

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