Hi Ladies. I was wondering if you would share what Math curriculum you’ve used for 1st Grade. Honestly, because of cost, I’m considering The Complete Book of Math for this year alone. It is what MFW uses for 1st grade and then they go onto Singapore Math but I’m not sure how those fit in with CM methods. I appreciate any input. Blessings!
1st grade math is certainly something that doesn’t need an expensive curriculum. Or any curriculum really. I would suggest looking at Ruth Beechick’s book “The Three R’s”. It goes over what and how to teach the younger grades.
We use Christian Light Education’s math curriculum. Affordable and doable. It takes the parent’s active involvement (just reading the story problems and directions. The teacher’s guide explains how to teach everything.). I’m using it on 3 daughters so far and they like it. It has 10 books for the student, so they really enjoy gettign a new book, when they’ve completed a book.
Love Beechick here, too. I cannot more highly recommend MEP math as well. It’s a free online program and we adore it. I use it with my 4th grader and two 1st graders. It has sparked a true curiosity and zeal for math in my kids. It’s simple to teach and there is no endless drill. My kids think mathematically and in very cool logical ways. It can seem daunting at first to navigate the site, but well worth the initial learning curve.
We have used both Singapore and the Complete Book of Math. Either one works well, but I also do daily calendar practice, math games and manipulatives (kind of like Saxon). The ones we use most are at 1st grade are dice, the clock, counting bears, an abacus, and some coins for learning money values.
The Complete Book of Math is more colorful, but I think Singapore does a better job of teaching them to think mathmatically. Hope that helps some!
We love MEP math (the cost is printing the many pages). We did year 1 for first grade like they do in Hungary where the program originated, but in UK where the program website is from they do year 2 for 1st grade (they call the equivalent to our K year ” year 1″ and the equivalent to our 1st grade ” year 2″ . You could place your 1st grader in either year depending on ability level.
The other suggestions sound just as good, including doing informal hands-on activities with a simple book like the one MFW uses in 1st. I just wanted to give a 2nd good review of MEP.
The new SCM book is great. Here’s the intro from the bookstore and a link. I think that this is a great resource. Richelle (the author) is great about answering questions or concerns via PM or this forum.
“Learn how Charlotte Mason taught math from beginning numbers through algebra and geometry. A ground-breaking handbook that reveals what every parent-teacher wants to know about Charlotte’s life-related approach to mathematics.”
We started CLE Math about a month ago, and we’re loving it. On cost the great thing is that although you have to buy the teaching manual up front ($20 or $30?), the student exercises (student workbooks) are broken down into little booklets and therefore you could easily spread out the cost – you don’t need to buy all booklets at once (they call them “light units) For us, taking an easy pace, each booklet or Light Unit lasts about 4-5 weeks.
We love Math Lessons for a Living Education. It’s sold on the Queen Homeschool site and costs, I believe, $40. I had 2 k’ers and a 1st grader using it last year and everyone did very well with it. My gifted student as well as my little guy who has some learning differences. I used Book 1 for the k’ers and Book 2 for my 1st grader. There is a scope and sequence for each level on the Queen site.
Thank you all so very much for your input! I will definitely be picking up a copy of The Three R’s and am very interested in the SCM Math book as well. What a wonderful community! Thanks again and Blessings to each of you!
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