12 Year Plan??

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  • rutkowski1118

    Has anyone put together a 12 year scope & sequence plan for their children using the resources from Simply Charlotte Mason? I would be interested in seeing some ideas as my husband and I try and plan out ours.


    What about when each child becomes indepndent and have their own interests depending how God has made them?


    Well, I like to have a plan, but it’s always subject to change:) I don’t have a full 12-yr. SCM plan because we didn’t start it from the beginning (but I think I would if I had it to do all over again:) Our plan would be/is something like:

    History/Geo./Bible: SCM 2 rotations, possibly subbing in deeper spines for high school. And adding in a Gov.’t and Economics course in high school (one semester each). I also add in Truthquest history guides and we just occasionally read the biblical commentary that goes with our time period.

    Math: We like Math-U-See. We have done/plan to do Algebra in 8th, Geometry in 9th, Algebra ll in 10th, and Pre-Calculus in 11th. If child is going into math/science field, then likely Calculus (probably at junior college) in 12th.

    Science: We randomly use the Apologia Elementary series through 6th. Then General Science in 7th, Physical Science in 8th, Biology in 9th, Chemistry in 10th, Physics in 11th. If child is going into a science field, then an advanced science in 12th. But if I had it to do over again I’d probably do some of the programs SCM has for science in the elementary years and more nature study than we have done, maybe some Apologia books, then still the Apologia General Science starting in 7th…these books are great college-prep.

    English: My kids already knew how to read when we came to SCM. I use Primary Language Lessons by Serl in 2nd/3rd and Classical Writing in 4th/5th. I use Jump In by Apologia for Jr. Hi essay writing. Our co-op has high school English classes, but if I didn’t have that I’d use Epi Kardia Research/Essay/Speech classes for high school and Lightening Literature in high school for some literature analysis. We use Junior Analytical Grammar in 5th, and Analytical Grammar in 6th-8th. We use Spelling Wisdom from SCM. We have also used Wordly Wise and Vocabulary from the Classical Roots in upper elementary and on. And we do oral narrations of readings from the start, and add in written narrations around 4th grade (just once a week when starting written). That’s probably more workbooks than many CM’ers…I’ve just always been concerned about having my bases covered in this dept.! We always have 1-2 classic living books going for literature. But in the younger years I’d keep it light…copywork, oral narrations, good literature.

    Logic: We read The Fallacy Detective in 7th and Thinking Toolbox in 8th. The Art of Argument is planned for 9th, and The Argument Builder is planned for 10th.

    Foreign Language: I’ve not been regular w/this. Currently we use Easy Peasy free Spanish lessons for an intro., and my kids will take classes with our homeschool co-op in high school. If I didn’t have that I’d probably use Rosetta Stone. My husband does some Bible Greek w/the kids, but if I didn’t have that I’d do a Latin Program starting around 4th, or at the very least a good roots study like English from the Roots Up or Vocabulary from the Classical Roots.

    Devotionals: We use many from the SCM list…just regulary have one going.

    Shakespeare/Composers/Poets/Artists. I just randomly try to cover a couple per year or so. The SCM art portfolios are excellent to cover Picture Study. For ease from the start, I’d probably use their enrichment plans.

    Scripture Memory. We use the SCM box system. Excellent! 

    SCM’s Planning your CM Education is also a great resource! I hope that wasn’t all too confusing and something was helpful:) Blessings, Gina




    Thanks, Gina! I have made a lot of similar, unwritten plans. This helped. I plan to do a large posterboard with the 12 year plan, in pencil or post-it notes, as it is subject to change. I also plan to add in the Uncle Eric economic books at 7th grade.

    SCM’s old curriculum plans for 12 years, in a grid format is also helpful:



    I made a board with all subjects on it and have been putting our plan on it as we get the material or as I know what we need to study that year. I blogged about it here, but this post is older and the board is not as full as it is now. The courses are on post-it paper, subject to change as needed, as Wingstofly said above. 😉

    My general plan is made for the 12 years so I know where we are headed – which allows me to get things when they are on sale and know what I need when I visit blogs with curriculum on sale, the library sales, and used bookstores. It also includes my state requirements (certain subjects must be taught every year, but I am free to choose what and how). I use this to help me keep all kids on track, whether we go back three grades for math or forward 2 in science or grammar. I find this effective for me. I have one with APD, which requires adjustments for her to learn the same material.

    Having an idea of where you want/need to go for 12 years is helpful, but be practical (and careful) to base it on where you AND your children are at. No homeschool or child or acedemic year is ever exactly the same. 😉 That is why most of my plans are general this-is-where-we-are-heading. Flexibility within our plans is essential for my sanity and happiness for the whole family. =)

    I sent you a PM with more details into our actual plan.


    I had a tentative 12 year plan based on SCM modules for our youngest daughter. I also had a plan through graduation for our youngest son, now 13. But, a few things have changed based on needs/interests. So, the following will be changed a bit for daughter. I started using SCM with Module 4 because that’s the time period we were interested in studying at the time. I also like the idea of graduating just after completing Module 3 instead of Module 6. To do this, I planned to combine some of Modules 1, 2, and 3. This also allows for studying state history twice (if necessary.)

    The following is a suggested list for 1st – 12th grades.

    Year 1: Bible, Math, Geography (map studies), History (MA/Ren/Ref), Science (SCM living literature suggestions), Writing (Primary Language Lessons/Copywork), French, Nature Flowers, Insects, Ballet, Etiquette, Field Trips (Wildflower Museum), Picture Study

    Year 2: Bible, Math, Geography (map studies), History (TX), Nutrition, PLL, French, Piano, Ballet, Etiquette, various TX field trips, Picture Study

    Year 3: Bible, Math, Geography (map studies), History Modern Times, SCM 3 Science living books, Intermediate Language Lessons, French, Piano, Ballet, Etiquette, Science Treehouse field trip, Picture Study

    Year 4: Bible, Math, Geography (map studies), History Gen/Deut/Egypt, SCM 4 Science living books, Intermediate Language Lessons, French, Knitting, Piano, Ballet, Etiquette, Aquarium field trip, Picture Study.

    Year 5: Bible, Math, Geography (map studies), History Joshua-Malachi & Greece, SCM 5/6 Science living books, Essentials, French, Cooking/Canning, etc., Campaign work, Genealogy

    Year 6: Bible, Math, Geography (map studies), History Matthew-Acts & Rome, SCM 7 Science living books, IEW Ancient History TBWLs, French, Typing, etc., Symphony, Photography

    Year 7: Bible, Math, Geog, History MA/Ren/Ref, Science Master’s books, IEW Medieval TBWLs, Hebrew, Hunter’s Ed., etc., Journal/Commonplace Book, Hebrew, Quilting/Sewing

    Year 8: Bible, Math, Geog, History Texas, Nutrition, TX history TBWLs, Hebrew, personal finance, etc., Goliad field trip, Missions

    Year 9: Bible, Math, Geog, Early/Modern Times condensed, Biology, IEW Life Science TBWLs, Hebrew, Expelled, etc., Red Cross CPR, Hospice volunteer (knitting, etc.), CLEP American History, SAT Prep

    Year 10: Bible, Math, Geog, Gen/Deut/Egypt, Marine Biology, IEW Bible, Hebrew, Driver’s Ed., etc., Kayak course, Poetry, CLEP Biology (if possible)

    Year 11: Bible, Math, Geog, Josh/Mal/Greece, Anatomy, IEW Character, Hebrew, Gov’t/ Art History, etc., Campaign volunteer, Julius Caesar, CLEP Gov’t

    Year 12: Bible, Math (CLEP Algebra if possible), Geog, Matt/Acts/Rome, Chemistry, Advanced Communications, Hebrew, Economics, Music Appreciation, etc., Symphony tickets, any unfinished studies to be completed

    I’d also planned for the study of Astronomy all along the way. We have a huge view of the night sky, uninterrupted. So, it’s certainly something to pursue.

    Tweaks have been made. I didn’t assign a specific math level to any year to allow for staying put/moving ahead as capable. I lean toward Richelle’s suggestions. Our family has found Jacob’s upper level math helpful, Saxon to be dull, and Rod and Staff to be a solid foundation.

    I have some wiggle room in the 8th-12th grade science studies. And, I may not use IEW resources with her at all. She’s already on the writing path with well thought out narrations and solid copywork skills. She may be our true CM writer who needs no formal program…read, I’m not planning on it anymore, but have the IEW resources and background to use them if they are a fit for her.

    Probably more than you were needing. I am tweaking her plan based on other resources I have found that fit her interests. She enjoys poetry, Queen’s Language Lessons, and large book lists. She craves nature and picture study. Her next year will be more focused on fine arts/history and nature. Her older sister graduates next month, but wants to include some side studies while possibly pursuing a real estate license. She chose Where the Brook and River Meet and wants to include little sis in the plan. So, I’m altering her history to accommodate Canadian history into the mix. She’ll love Anne and all the projects that the study will entail. It will have to be brought down to 7/8yo level, but we are finding plenty for her.

    13yos will have a year-year and a half of war studies. I’m going to pull from WWW and some other resources for my own benefit while he is doing quite a bit of self-directed research. I haven’t wrapped my brain around all the details, but we are working together on it. We’ll all learn quite a bit.

    So, you see, I haven’t been one to completely stick to the plan, but having it in writing has been a HUGE blessing. I jot (in pencil) on it to keep the original in tact, but allow side studies/year’s off the beaten path. This brings it all into perspective so that we can SEE all that’s being accomplished and know that plenty will be covered.


    PS I’m hoping that I typed this up accurately. The computer that this info. is kept on is not available this morning. So, I’m working off paper. ;0)

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