11th grade daughter…struggling with math & science

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  • Mellymomma

    She did Teaching Textbooks Pre Algebra in grade 9, started Alg 1 last year and is still just struggling to begin the 2nd half this year. We also made the big mistake of buying Masterbooks Chemistry (nothing against MB!) this year. I was not very smart and didn’t realize how much math she would need for that. So there isn’t much understanding or enjoyment in the Chemistry. She did Apologia Biology last year and LOVED it. She did excellent.

    I don’t know where to go from here. She is possibly interested in going to the community college after graduating. She already teaches piano, loves graphics design & video editing, and photography.

    I sent her links to look at the Key To Algebra series and Life of Fred Algebra 1. I don’t have a lot of money at this point to spend on new material, but I want to get her something that will help her progress and enjoy it!


    Thank you for any advice! She is my oldest of 5 and unfortunately, the one I will learn a lot from the hard way. 🙁


    I could have written this post.  My DD is in the same grade and has many of the same interests (and is also the oldest of 5).  We are also in Algebra.  In our state Algebra and geometry are required for graduation, so I’m a bit worried about getting those credits, and I don’t like to move on without her understanding the concepts.  She needs tons of review, which I discovered late in her homeschool journey.  Just knowing that has been a help and made it easier to work with her.

    I believe Chemistry is supposed to be done alongside Algebra II, so it would be too much.  What about something like anatomy? Or astronomy?  Maybe you could find a used copy of another Apologia course?  I think they have a Marine Biology book.


    We are using MUS at the moment, which doesn’t have much review, so I will have to work around it.


    Purplemath.com helped my son with algebra.

    We switched to Videotext for algebra and geometry. Not cheap, but I bought it used. The way concepts are explained works well for my teens.

    For chemistry my son used Paradigm Accelerated Curriculum.

    My daughter is using Highschool Physical Science in Your Home. Next year we will use the chemistry. She researches questions instead of traditional format.

    My next one will use Friendly Chemistry because she is a chef.


    Mine is in 9th grade level and we have similar issues with math and science.

    I agree with “retrofam” on Purplemath.com.

    We are also using mathhelp.com this year – connected with Purplemath – (I also have in mind to use KhanAcademy or schoolyourself.org for supplemental help) We don’t have the funds to use much more for curriculum or on-line classes this year.

    We are currently using https://experiencebiology.com/ for Biology classes and it has been absolutely fabulous! They use The Riot & The Dance textbooks along with weekly lessons and labs. The student does their worksheets, online quizzes and at home labs. The parent does part of the grading.

    Definitely going to look at the other suggestions mentioned here for other science classes for the upper high school courses, like “Highschool Physical Science in Your Home”, etc.

    I also was concerned that my student would struggle with Chemistry classes, since she has issues with Algebra, so I purchased AIG Chemistry 101 DVD to see if that would help.

    Great advice here in this thread 😉


    PAC  Integrated Physics and Chemistry

    Description:  Integrated Physics and Chemistry (IPC) is written by internationally respected scientist/author, John Hudson Tiner, who applies the vignette approach, which effectively draws readers into the text and holds attention. The author and editors have deliberately avoided complex mathematical equations in order to entice students into high school level science. This course introduces students to the people, places and principles of conceptual physics and basic chemistry without focus on complicated mathematical equations, which often discourage students.  IPC focuses on research by the people who contributed to development of the Periodic Table of the Elements. Students learn to read and apply the Periodic Table, while gaining insight into basic chemistry and physics. This is one of our most popular courses among high school students, especially those who aspire to matriculate to college, but are challenged by science courses based on complex mathematical and technical skills. IPC is also an excellent course for pre-high school students who aspire to take conventional chemistry and physics courses permeated with mathematical equations.

    Integrated Physics and Chemistry is packaged in soft-cover booklets, containing a total of 180 lessons in 12 chapters of text with 12 companion student activity books. IPC is designed as a two-year course for the average student.  Completion of 180 activities, 24 quizzes, and/or 12 chapter tests earns two high school transcript credits. However, proctors/teachers may assign chapters 2,4,6,9,10, and 12 as Conceptual Physics, to earn one high school transcript credit, and assign chapters 1,3,5,7,8, and 11 as Basic Chemistry, to earn one high school transcript credit.

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