106 days with an 11 year old

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  • apsews

    I know this has probably been discussed before(I read all that I could find in the search unit)but I am trying to figure out how I should do this.

    My ds just came from PS in April and he will be in 6th grade when we start back in August. I really like the 106 days book but I am thinking I will need to do some substituting books since most are too young for him. I have the CGC but it seems a little young too. Have any of you done this with just an older child and what books did you use to make it more on an older level? Should I just resale the books and go with something else totally?


    I would use the CGC and your library card. 106 days is a great overview – delve in deeper where his interests lie or where you know you can offer more that he can comprehend – maybe the anatomy and physiology of the cell, photosynthesis, food webs/chains and the accompanying vocabulary, etc. HTH


    I’ll be using it with an 11 yo next fall.  Have you looked at the activities at the end of the lesson?  There are lots of ideas for older children.  I looked into adding in some of the Tiner books for DD, but she didn’t care for the sample pages (she thought they were too difficult to read)…maybe your DS would like those added in?  


    Okay great!! I was looking forward to doing it with him but then when I started looking up the books that are supposed to go with it, they were mostly for ages 4-8. Thank you both for your help!! I will look into the Tiner books and will check the library for more age appropriate books also.:)

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