106 days of creation studies vs. apologia astronomy

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  • Rebekahy

    Reading all of the great comments about 106 days of creation studies has me reconsidering if maybe I should go with this instead of Apologia Astronomy.  We’re starting year 1 with my six year old and 4 and half year old (don’t worry the little one won’t be required to do the big kid stuff, but she will be listening and she will want to participate).  So we’re going to be Genesis through Deuteronomy and I thought we would do apologia astronomy.  But as I was reading all the posts I was thinking well, wouldn’t it make sense to do 106 days of CREATION studies at the same time we do Genesis – DUH!  The reason I wasn’t going to use 106 days was because I was going to wait until both my girls were a little older so we could also use Considering God’s Creation for them and just 106 days with my two younger ones who are 2 and a half and 4 and a half years younger than my 4 year old.  So I’m thinking oldest would be 11 (6th grade), second would be 9.5 (4th), third would be 7 (2nd) and youngest would be just over 5 (K).  But for history we would be in Module 6.  I guess we could wait til the following year when we’d be back to Genesis, but then would I be missing something for my oldest in science? 

    The other thing is that the 106 days really sounds a lot more fun than spending a whole year doing astronomy… for me anyway!



    We used this w/ our 7 and 4 (5 next week) girls.  I cannot say enough good things about it.  I said in a recent post I wish scm had science modules like the do Bible/geo/hist.  I did this 1st and planned to do Apologia next year (since 106 Days covers all creation I wanted to do the overview and then get into specifics) but after doing 106 Days and how much my girls loved the living books it is giving me the courage to try a full living books curriculum that I create next year with supplements I find on my own.  I love the look of Apologia b/c I am a text book learner, but my girls are very kinisthetic and they took in so much more than I expected from the living books and nature notebooks I feel this is a better way to go for them.  Apologia’s are beautiful, recommended by scm, and loved by many.  We may use them yet, but I figured if I was going to try a living books curriculum it would be now or never.  I think either way you go will be fine, but this is our plan.


    From looking over the astronomy book but not using it, I would say your children are too young to get much out of it.  It is one of the harder Apologia books, in my opinion.  It would be better for grades 4 and up.

    Rachel White

    The Apologia materials are more for grades 2 or 3 at the earlist. My son read The Astronomy one as an individual read at 7, but he was an early reader. He did the projects by himself.



    My co-op is using the Apologia Astronomy right now for 2nd and 3rd graders. They are doing many experiments and projects and have learned so much! We spread it over a whole year, as it would have been a bit of a squeeze for 1 term, but 1.5 terms would have been perfect.



    I was under the impression that the Astronomy was the informal “first” of the Apologia books – which seemed odd to me because Space seems like a much more difficult subject, than say “Flying Animals” etc… 

    I’m so glad that I asked as now I’m MUCH more inclined to start with 106 days of creation studies, though I’d love to hear from someone who did do 106 days WITH Considering God’s Creation and how you liked it and if you don’t do the two together could you do Considering God’s Creation on it’s on when the child is older?


    We are on the last *day* of the Creation study, plus using the Considering God’s Creation where it was suggested.  I am so pleased with it.  The boys have made some incredible binders of science drawings/simple, but interesting worksheets/read some great books.  Now that we have slowly converted over to this method altogether I wish we would have just used the 106 Days maybe along with other living books this whole time. 

    Our kids are now 11, 7 and 4yo boys.  They were probably 9, 6 and 3 when we started.  Don’t know the exact month/year.  Anyway, they have all liked it very much and would have been just as happy with using just that and we could’ve left the other stuff for another time, if ever.  I’m not saying they just didn’t like any of the other stuff at all, but they get frustrated at me when I have them in all different directions in the same subject.  So as of two weeks ago or so, I have been weeding out the unnecessary and bringing in the good stuff.  My kids are much happier:)

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