10 days to go from high to low fat-ouch!

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  • joannarammell


    I am starting a 10 day Master Cleanse Fast in the morn–you in essence drink a concotion of fresh lemon juice, grade B maple syrup (more nutrients), cayenne pepper, and water ONLY for 10 days.  I did it 12 years ago, and when I added back in food slowly, I kept a journal.  That is how I discovered I had Celiac Disease.  The doctor was astounded when I took my “research” to him.  I had never even heard of gluten or celiac disease.  I just had all these notes, he looked through it, and told me to look up gluten while he order a bunch of testing.  He said it was the strictest protocol he’d seen for finding celiac disease.  LOL.  I always do things the hard way.  But I was getting no help and ALL food made me sick.  I felt great as long as I was on the cleanse!

    Unfortunately, it is again, food making me sick, that is.  However this time I know the culprit, my gallbladder.  I am the last member of my family to still have one.  It seems my mom’s side of the family has defective gallbladders!  I am doing everything I can to keep mine!  My mom has had all kinds of difficulties since hers was removed!  Even stones stuck in bile ducts making infections, etc.  Hopitalization and almost dying.  Yikes!  Stones still form after removal!  There’s a duct and your liver…oh please don’t make me explain it.  Math not anatomy!  🙂

    So I haven’t eaten hardly anything in 4 days and have been in distress for over a week.  Not terrible pain or anything.  Uncomfortable for sure.  Can’t eat.  Tried a few times.  BAD idea.

    After talking it over with my doc, I decided to do this fasting cleanse I did 12 years ago.  I am going to try to ignore the fact that I am older and not nearly as gung ho!  This will at least give me some calories (so I don’t starve to death!) and allow my system a rest.

    However, the rub is that after being on the high fat GAPS diet and post GAPS diet for 3 years, I have 10 days to transition to a low fat diet.  I don’t remember what to eat on a low fat diet.  Doc says have to do it for at least 3 months.  And then we’ll see.

    Meanwhile, she doesn’t want me to replace all the fat (energy) with rice and potatoes (carbs–energy)…more like with beans.  I was like, beans without the butter?  Oh dear.

    LOL  Where is my discipline, my fortitude?  I have turned into a big baby!  Gluten free since 2002, Gaps/Post-Almost Gaps since 2011.  You’d think I’d rise to the challenge.  Ha.  My brain is empty of ideas.  Oh.  I am sure I will get it together here sometime.

    It is truly going to take a paradigm shift to transition.  I can’t think of a thing to cook.  I am so steeped in GAPS.  10 days to undoctrinate.  Ah, that might be a new made up Joanna word.  I was famous in my childhood for making them up!

    Thought y’all could laugh with me.  Better than crying!

    I’m in high spirits over here.  You’d think I had just heard good news.  LOL

    I drank some of the lemon drink…first real calories in four days. I feel a little better.  Maybe I have a sugar high.  We don’t eat many sweets on the Gaps.  I haven’t had Maple syrup in at least 3 years.  Must be it.  B/c I am ROFL.




    I’m sure you have already tried this, but I got to the point that every food gave me severe reflux and any amount of fat made me vomit or nauseous. I started faithfully taking a really good digestive enzyme at every meal/snack and all that got better. It took a bit but its worth a try if you haven’t done that yet. I did a “gallbladder cleanse” with olive oil and grapefruit juice and I vomited within 30 sec of drinking it. I don’t have celiac disease but I can’t eat gluten, dairy, cashews, peanuts or garlic, or I have horrible problems. So I feel for you, it does feel good not to eat anything sometimes and other times I get bitter about not being able to eat like everyone else. Then I really try to remember people in other countries whose choice for food is rice or rice at most meals. I did the Master cleanse a while back but had to quit after I got dehydrated and almost had to go to the ER so make sure you also drink plenty of water! I hope it helps you, best wishes.


    Thank You amama5. Yes, am taking digestive enzymes (and a few other things) and not eating any fat.  I have done a liver cleanse in the past with the olive oil and grapefruit jucie…but would not dare try such a thing in this state.  The doc and I agree that it could kill me!  🙂 or at least I’d wish I was dead!  I will drink plenty of water.  I drink so much water normally b/c of other reasons…so should be ok.

    I have been having to watch my diet for so long (had to give up caffiene in 1990 b/c of bladder disease–and coca cola was a staple at that time) that I had to let bitterness go…and you know God made it easier for me in some ways…eat/drink wrong=immediate consequence.  No guessing.  just sick.  a blessing really…cause it made it easier to comply!  I have thanked Him for that!

    I appreciated your understanding this morning.

    I suspect I was having a sugar high when I wrote that, b/c I was chuckling for about an hour at the irony of having mastered the high fat GAPS and having to relearn everything to do low fat.  I found it hysterical. LOL



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