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106 Days of Creation Links and Tips

The Links and Tips below are related to our book 106 Days of Creation Studies. This study combines all your grades 1–6 students for one exciting science adventure that lasts the whole year! Be sure to check back here from time to time because we will be adding new and updated resources related to the book as we get them. If you have some resources that you’d like to recommend, let us know!
Diagrams and Pictures
- Sundials—Tons of basic (and some very specific) information about sundials. It even has two different printouts you can use to make the two different types of sundials! Plus it tells you how to find “true north” and other helpful info that would supplement Lesson 6.
Missing Experiment
Donna and Angel let us know that their copies of How Science Works don’t contain the air pressure experiment mentioned in lesson 11. Since it is such a short explanation, we’re posting it here for those of you who may have a different edition and be missing that “Blowing books away” experiment at the bottom of page 123.
Place a balloon on the edge of a table, so that the neck hangs over the edge. Place the books on the balloon. Begin to blow into the balloon. Continue to blow air into the balloon. (The harder you blow, the higher the pressure of the compressed air.) The pressure of the air inflates the balloon and lifts the book off the table. Can you make the books topple? (excerpt from How Science Works by Judith Hann, copyright 1991).
- Lesson 13: We missed a reminder to get the optional video for lesson 20. So you may want to make a note in your book on Lesson 13, “Get the video Treasure Hunt for lesson 20 if you want to use it.”
- Lesson 38: The lesson states: “As the earth moves in its orbit around the sun, it gets close to the sun and farther away. When it is closest, we have summer; as it moves away from the sun the weather gets cooler (fall) until it is at its farthest point away and we have winter. Then it begins to move closer again (spring).”
It’s actually the opposite and the seasons are more based on the tilt of the earth in relation to the sun than the nearness of the earth to the sun. The northern hemisphere tilts away from the sun in our winter and toward the sun in our summer.
- Lesson 41: Spiders are not insects. So you may want to make two pages for the child’s Creation notebook: label the page with the spider’s web “Spiders” and make another page labeled “Insects” for the bees’ honeycomb in lesson 42.
Moody Science Videos
To help you locate the videos that are recommended in 106 Days of Creation, we’ve listed them below with links. If the recommended video is a shorter segment that is part of a longer main video, we have noted the main video beside it. Feel free to use the other segments on the main videos at your discretion.
Kimberly let us know that she found all of these videos but one at Rainbow Resource, along with most of the books recommended. You can also find many of them at Library & Education Services.
- The Clown-Faced Carpenter video includes “Water Water Everywhere.” I’ve also seen it on a compilation DVD called Moody Science Adventures.
- Treasure Hunt
- The Power in Plants—Laura let us know that this video is now available on a compilation DVD along with Treasure Hunt.
- City of the Bees
- Experience with an Eel
- Red River of Life
- Windows of the Soul
- God’s Earth Team—This video is getting hard to find. We could find only one used copy on Amazon. (See the article below for a possible substitute.) Another possible option, recommended by Moody, might be “The Pollution Solution.” It looks like that is one episode on a Newton’s Workshop series that also includes “The DNA Decoders.”
More Dinosaur Resources
- Answers in Genesis provides many great resources about dinosaurs, creation, and the Flood for children and adults.
- Institute for Creation Research has lots of good articles and responses to news items that deal with creation, dinosaurs, and the Flood.
Scientist Biographies
Here are links to some living books that may prove helpful as the older children research various scientists throughout the study. Feel free to select just a few of the Scientist Detective assignments if you want your child to really get to know these men and women through great living books. If you find a good living book on one of the other scientists in 106 Days of Creation Studies, let us know. We would all love to hear about it!
- Archimedes for Lesson 15.
- George Washington Carver for Lesson 29.
Solar System
- Pluto—You might find this information about Pluto interesting as you do Lesson 37. See especially the sections near the end of the article, “New discoveries ignite debate” and “IAU decision.”
E-Book Backup
We encourage you to make a backup of your e-book file for safekeeping. Feel free to copy your file onto a CD, an external hard drive, or another type of media, and store it away from your computer. If something happens to your computer or the files on it, you’ll still have a copy of your e-book in a safe place.