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How to Handle Poor Exam Answers
Your child can't answer an exam question. Now what?
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Posts and articles about the Charlotte Mason method of narration.
Your child can't answer an exam question. Now what?
(Editor’s Note: I sometimes get asked, “What about creative writing?” Here is a lovely post about how to approach creative writing by guest writer, Karen Andreola.) “If we would believe it, composition is a natural as jumping and running to…
When I started homeschooling with the Charlotte Mason Method, my focus was all on the children. I thought this endeavor was about giving my children the kind of education that I hadn’t received. Little did I suspect the added bonus…
This year we graduated our third child from our home school. All three of our children were taught with Charlotte Mason methods, though I refined my techniques over the years as I researched and learned more. Some of the refinements…
As we have worked our way through the Narration Q & A series over the past few weeks, I’ve been trying to group the questions by topic. We have a couple more big topics left to cover, but today I…
Can you touch your ceiling? I can’t touch the ceiling in my kitchen even if I jump. It’s a standard height, but I can barely reach it with a 2-foot-long fly swatter. Now can you imagine jumping over your ceiling?…
We’ve been discussing oral narration for several weeks now. It’s time to move on to the next step in composition. Wait a minute! you say to yourself. The next step? I thought written narration was composition. So often when we…
Last time we talked about some ideas for getting started using narration with younger children. Today let’s address some questions about starting the method with older children. Narration Question #41: In the Fall I will have a 4th and 1st…
In our Narration Q & A series so far, we have covered the foundation. The tips and techniques that we have discussed apply to most age ranges and give the broad view of narration. During the rest of this series,…
When we think of narration, we often envision a parent and a child sitting comfortably on the couch. The mother is smiling and nodding—the book closed and resting in her lap—as the child earnestly tells the story in his own…
Eat three square meals a day. Brush your teeth twice a day. Change the oil every 3,000 miles. Take the trash to the curb once a week. Many of us love guidelines with numbers, because it’s easier to wrap our…
I love this comment that Megan shared on our blog! I did my first oral narration with my 9 year old son today after watching (and being SO encouraged) by the living and learning DVD set. He did pretty well,…
It’s easy to look at narration as the be-all and end-all Charlotte Mason method of learning. What we don’t realize is that we are focusing on just a portion of the picture. We are mistaken if we think that a…
So far in our Narration Q & A series, we’ve talked about the reason we use Charlotte Mason’s method of narration and how it cements the material in the student’s mind; we’ve discussed what narration is and how to get…
I was listening to a music teacher talk about Chopin yesterday. He mentioned that some people might think Chopin was a lesser composer than Beethoven because Chopin’s compositions are so much shorter. But the music teacher set everyone’s doubts at…