Category Handicrafts

Posts and articles about Charlotte Mason’s approach to teaching handicrafts.

Handicrafts Made Simple: Woodworking

New Woodworking Handicrafts DVD

As I sit at my desk, I can see so many pieces of furniture that my father has crafted from wood for our family: four beautiful bookcases that stretch to the ceiling and hold much of my precious library; a…

Handicrafts Made Simple DVD and booklet

Handicrafts Made Simple DVD Series

I don’t know about you, but for me the two biggest challenges of teaching handicrafts are (1) not knowing how to do the craft myself and (2) coming up with projects. Despite my noticeable lack of “craftyness,” my oldest daughter…

Crocheting as a homeschool handicraft

Fall Handicrafts Tips and Ideas

Handicrafts and life skills are such a great way to spend cooler afternoons. And as the weather turns cold, they provide a wonderfully productive outlet for energetic minds and fingers indoors. We like to combine handicrafts with life skills because…

Hands-on Learning in the Charlotte Mason Method

Many people equate living books with the Charlotte Mason method. And that’s well and good. Living books are a big part of her approach, as we’ve discussed during recent posts. But a Charlotte Mason education is not based just on…

Handicraft Questions (and answers)

Fall and winter seem to be good seasons for handicrafts. There’s just something appealing about being in a warm, comfortable room and working with your hands while the wind blows outside. Thanks to Charlotte Mason for including handicrafts in her…

Handicrafts and Life Skills

In the Charlotte Mason method of education, lessons should be completed in the mornings. So what do you do with your child during the afternoons? For one thing, Charlotte advocated the child’s learning handicrafts. In her day, those handicrafts could…