Category Charlotte Mason Method

Charlotte Mason method homeschool posts.

Wisdom for Moms Calendar Journal

New 2012-13 Calendar Journal: Wisdom for Moms

Over the past three weeks we have pondered some wonderful gems of wisdom from Charlotte Mason. Wisdom Gem #1: “Always remember that persons matter more than things. Don’t say anything that will leave a sting.” Wisdom Gem #2: “State your…

Even in Mature Life

My friend Ruth is 61. She is an exuberant veteran homeschooler who has graduated three and spends her days encouraging other homeschool students and parents. She also recently lost 120 pounds. When I asked Ruth to tell me her story,…

State But Don’t Attack

Most of us have chosen a “different” path in life. We homeschool. And even more than that, we don’t use a traditional method of homeschooling. We use Charlotte Mason’s approach. Those choices can be unsettling to onlookers. And if that’s…

Persons Matter More Than Things

I’ve been reading The Lord of the Rings lately, and one striking illustration has leapt off the pages again and again: whenever the enemy inflicts a wound, a deep sting is embedded that stays and debilitates even after the flesh…

Three New Modern History Books

Simply Charlotte Mason is delighted to announce three new resources to help you teach modern history in a living way! The new books cover people and events from 1850 to the present day—both American history and world history. Over the…

A Growing Time

Nourish the Plant: A Growing Time, Part 4

Spring has certainly arrived here in Georgia! All around I see people outside doing yard work (and sneezing from the pollen)—breaking up the soil, pulling weeds, and cultivating their trees and gardens. Such a great reminder of what we’ve been…

Past the Outer Court

(This article by Sonya Shafer was originally published in The Old Schoolhouse magazine, Summer 2011 issue.) Here is the story of two girls. We will call them Jan and Emily. Both are about nine years old. Jan is reading her…

A Growing Time

Pull the Weeds: A Growing Time, Part 3

In front of our house is a little perennial garden. I often tell people how much I love perennials because “you just plant them and forget them.” But that’s not quite true. Every morning as we return from walking the…

Picture Study Portfolios

Picture Study FAQ and New Portfolios

Picture study is such a great way to add a little something to your day that brings a nice change of pace and “freshens your wits,” as Charlotte liked to describe it. You don’t need an art degree to teach…

Two New History Books

We recently found two gems that are geared for elementary students but that the whole family will enjoy. Those are the best kind of gems! I love to read a well-written elementary-level living book, for it keeps things focused and…