Category Charlotte Mason Method

Charlotte Mason method homeschool posts.

Charlotte Mason Living Books Mirrors Multicultural

Books as Mirrors

The books that we give to our children help them form relations, those important relations that Charlotte Mason talked about so much, relating with God, relating with the universe around us, and relating with people, and that’s the aspect that…

Binoculars for Charlotte Mason Nature Study

Binoculars in Nature Study

One of the great things about doing Charlotte Mason nature study is that you don’t have to have a bunch of expensive equipment. Just grab your journal and go outside. But sometimes it can be helpful to expand our nature…

Charlotte Mason Homeschool Room Tips

Your Questions Answered: Your Home School Space

Are you looking for ways to create a more Charlotte Mason atmosphere in your home? Today we want to address a great question, and here to join me are Jenn Faas and Laura Pitney, my friends and coworkers. Sonya: Here’s…

Charlotte Mason Nature Object Lessons

Help Your Child Learn to Observe More Closely

Has it ever happened to you that you ask your child, “What did you see outside today?” and that child says, “A bird,” and you try to get more information, but the child just says, “Well, I think it was…

Living History Books Ancient Egypt Charlotte Mason Homeschool

Favorite Living History Books on Ancient Egypt

I really enjoy sharing my favorite living books with you. It’s like introducing delightful old friends that I know will help and support you along your homeschool journey. Today I will give you my top ten picks for studying Ancient…

Charlotte Mason Homeschool Dictation Questions and Answers

Your Questions Answered: Questions about Dictation

Today we want to dive into a few questions that we’ve received from different home educating parents who have questions about Charlotte Mason’s method of dictation. If you’re not familiar with that wonderful method for teaching children spelling, then take…

Charlotte Mason Hints for Teachers Homeschool

Hints to Teachers

On my bookshelf I have a copy of a book from the early 1900s that was used in Charlotte Mason’s schools. Many books like this contain an introduction full of helpful comments, but the introduction to this book is so…

Picture Study Portfolio Holbein

New Picture Study: Holbein

A new artist has been added to the award-winning Picture Study Portfolios collection: Hans Holbein. Each Holbein picture in the portfolio has an interesting story behind it that will encourage your child to look closely and discover more about the…

How to Teach Grammar

How to Teach Grammar

The Charlotte Mason Method approaches grammar a little differently, but it's an approach that makes total sense.
Charlotte Mason Homeschool Nature Study Not a Checklist

Nature Study: Not Just a Checklist

Today we want to discuss a mind-set that could be robbing you of some of the richness involved in nature study the Charlotte Mason way. We want to talk about whether your mind-set is a checklist (“Yep, just do that.”)…

Charlotte Mason Homeschool Notebooking

Charlotte Mason Notebooking

Some of you have asked about notebooking and whether that is a Charlotte Mason method. It’s a good question, and the answer all depends on what you’re thinking of when you think “notebooking.” For some people, notebooking is like scrapbooking.…