5 Tips for a Smooth Homeschool Morning

We talk a lot about your school schedule and how to make it work for you and your students. But what about that block of time before school starts? That part of your morning can have a big impact on your school day.

If breakfast is pleasant, chores get done, and the children gather in good time to start lessons, that atmosphere can overflow into the lessons themselves and give you good momentum into a smooth homeschool morning.

But if breakfast is late because you have no idea what to do about it, and the children dawdle over their chores, and you feel like you are herding cats to try to round everybody up and get them into the living room for school sometime before noon, that mood can also overflow into lesson time. It’s hard to overcome a sputtering, haphazard start to the day.

So let me give you five tips for your mornings before lessons commence. Think of these as ideas to help you and your children enjoy a smooth start that will carry you into school time with a calm and happy spirit.

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