What are you reading?…Mother Culture

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  • greenebalts

    It’s so cold here and Monday their predicting -60 wind chills….so, there’s no better time to be indoors, curled up with a great book 🙂  I just did a post showing some books at my bedside…




    I’ve set a goal to read four classics this year.  What are some of your favorite classic novels or what are you currently reading?






    Let’s see, I’m re-reading CM’s Vol. 6. I read it several months ago and am now re-reading it and taking more notes. 🙂 I’m also reading CM’s Vol. 3 as well. I’m reading some books for history as well. I was able to read three classics over the last few months. I’m hoping to read Silas Marner next and if I can squeeze it in, I’d really like to read Elizabeth Gaskell’s book North and South. I’ve seen the BBC movie version and now want to read the book.


    I haven’t decided , but I love your list and am inspired to make one of my own now. Thank you.


    Hubby and I are reading Reimagining Church and The Untold Story of the New Testament Church by Frank Viola together. As we go through the latter, we are also reading the New Testament in chronological order. It’s fascinating! Highly, highly recommend these two books! I received Pioneer Woman’s holiday cookbook for Christmas, so I’ve slowly been going through that and making healthier adjustments to the recipes I’m interested in. Reading cookbooks is one of my favorite things to do.


    Here’s my list.  There are always more books, but I haven’t updated it. 

    Want to read Elizabeth and Her German Garden, too.  Susan Branch mentioned it.  Have any of you read it?


    Might’ve added the link to my list.  heh.  http://topsyturvytoile.wordpress.com/currently-reading/


    I just read The First King of Shannara by Terry Brooks and while waiting for the Sword of Shannara from the library I read Chosen by Ted Dekker.  They are really more for kids but I read the Terry Brooks books when I was young and wanted to read them again.  The Dekker book was ok but I won’t continue with others of his.  But now if my kids want to read them I at least have an idea what they are about.  I am going to start on Kidnapped by R.L. Stevenson as it is part of our history (I somethimes read the books that are assigned for the 7th-12th graders myself). 

    This year my list includes: Bonhoeffer: Pastor, Martyr, Prophet, Spy; Wild Things, The Art of Nurturing Boys; The Hidden Art of Homemaking; American Voices: A Collection of Documents ….; Sacred Influence; His Word in My Heart; and one of Jane Austen’s as I have never read any of her work.


    I usually have 2-3 books going at a time. But lately I have stuck w/ reading just one. I am loving it! I am now on Jo’s Boys and have thoroughly enjoyed the others. Before that, I read all of Anne of Greene Gables series. I think after this one I will probably continue reading classics as well as going back to The Case for Christ.


    Lindsey, I love reading cookbooks, too!

    Currently, I am reading all that I can about Orthodox Christianity.


    Right now I’m reading Memorize the Faith! (and Most Anything Else):  Using the Methods of the Great Catholic Medieval Masters.  It is fantastic so far!



    I usually read classics, but recently I stumbled upon a few of Amazon’s daily deals for the Kindle and have been loving them:

    – Running for My Life: One Lost Boy’s Journey from the Killing Fields of Sudan to the Olympic Games (Lopez Lomong)  *an engaging story about a boy torn from his family and his years of struggle

    – Out of My Later Years: The Scientist, Philosopher, and Man in His Own Words (Albert Einstein)  *this is great because, well it’s Albert Einstein, lol, but most chapters are just a few pages on a topic so it’s an easy pick-up-and-read

    – The Latehomescomer: A Hmong Family Memoir (Kao Kallia Yang)  *although there are few Hmong people in most parts of the United States, we have many Hmong friends back in Wisconsin and I’ve always been interested in their culture and history, so this was a great find for me!

    – organizing books…lol… yes, it’s an ongoing need! I only own 2 organizing books (decluttered the rest!), but I do have a few on the Kindle as well and just enjoy reading them for encouragment and an opportunity to laugh at myself. 😉


    A Fine Romance…Falling in love with the English Countryside by Susan Branch. Love love love!!! It is an experience, not just a book. And The Mom Walk by Sally Clarkson. I have also begun the Miss Read books, starting with Village School and at some point I plan to move on to the Elizabeth Goudge books. And here’s a weird one!- Home Life in Colonial Days by A.E. Earle. It was a free kindle book that struck me. Actually quite interesting and gives me ever more things to be thankful for in my modern life. I am also reading The Screwtape Letters when I remember its on my kindle! I like to have lots of books going. I just pick up whatever feels right at the moment. No schedule or order to it. I actually make it through quite a few books this way.


    Wonderful thread!

    I have toooooo many at one time. 

    Bible study: The Lord’s Table: A Biblical Approach to Weight Management by Mike Cleveland and Matthew 16-28: Sacrifice of the King by Stephen Eyre in LifeGuide Scripture Set Series. Hubby also gave me the Jesus Calling Journal which I use for devotion if I am short on time. 

    Parenting: DVD series by Paul Tripp and a book I highly recommend which is Heartfelt Discipline by Clay Clarkson. That book is jam packed with biblical parenting wisdom that I am going to have to reread it when I am done. Wonderful, wonderful, wonderful book.

    Charlotte Mason: Charlotte Mason Educatino by Catherine Levinson and the Charlotte Mason Companion by Karen Andreola.

    Spiritual: When People are Big and God is Small by Edward Welch. I would like to start Desiring God by John Piper. It is free as well as a pdf download on the Desiring God website. There is a group study guide that you could use individualy as well. 

    I need to find a fiction to balance it all out…too serious of a list. LOL! 

    Just started my 5 dd on Stuart Little as there is a children’s play coming to our area in about three weeks.


    Kristen-LOVE Bonhoeffer!  Probably my favorite NF book.

    Benita-Agreeing with you.  Just picked up A Fine Romance the other day at the library.  Wonderful.


    There are many cookbooks on the kindle daily deals tonight.

    I read mostly nonfiction and have several going at once. I am reading Managers of their Homes by Teri Maxwell. And on my kindle, Sally Clarkson’s Wisdom book. I like real books, but read more on my kindle lately.

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