Starting CM Method help :) PLEASE

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  • mj4jesus

    Hi ive posted on here a few times and have greatly appreciate the comments. I have tried to move into the CM way but i am very uneducated i pretty much grew up on my own NO one cared about my education!!  I only finished the sixth grade, but then I began to love reading alot so i have learned some.  I am a pretty smart person though but with out all the jr and senior high education i missed out on soo much. I really dont know where to begin with history or literature books 1 what to choose, 2 how to know what to choose from, 3 what grade level a look is  and 4 how do you know its a living book if youve never read it. How do i know what to teach them in if i never learned it myself? Not to put myself down but i aslo am a VERY VERY visual learner so if you comment PLEASE please talk to me as if you were explaining it to someone who absolutely knew nothing about it. Trying to figure this out ( and ive been trying for a year) has overwhelmed me to tears MORE than once. I purchased the all day seminar and planning your CM education and they were wonderful but, i still dont know any of what i mention prior. Pease I could use much help and I PROMISE i will pray for all those that answer a special blessing from our LORD. 

    Thank you very much!!!!! Mj 🙂

    Richele Baburina

    Mj, you have certainly spoken from the heart.  You do sound smart and sweet.   The best thing is that we don’t have to have a higher education, just a higher calling from the Lord.

    Though all of SCM’s resources are super, I have reaped the most benefit from Sonya’s audio’s “Looking Past the Fear” (which is God’s way of answering the “what if’s”) and “Reaching Your Child’s Heart” (which speaks of the Biblical priorities in our home education) both found in the SCM bookstore.

    I hope to be able to add some more later but my time is limited on the computer. I’m sure others will chime in. 

    In the meantime, could you tell us more about your family – ages of children, etc. as it may help for suggestions.  Have you looked at the free SCM Free Curriculum Guide for a framework?  It’s in a chart format – great for visual learners!

    Peace multiplied to you.




    This might seem obvious, but do you know if anyone in your area who teaches with a CM style? Where are you located?  It would be easier if you were able to sit down face to face with someone and see exactly what they do, and maybe that would help you get a better handle on this.  Sorry I’m not of more help! 🙂



    Dear Mj,

    I totally understand how you feel and I myself made it through high school. I think sometimes it is hard for us to wrap our minds around the CM method because we hear so much about text book learning that we get stuck feeling our children need “more” busy work. At least I think that is part of my struggle.

    There is a LOT of information here, which is helpful, but can also be completely overwhelming if you just click around not knowing where to find what you are looking for~ then being unable to find something you clicked on before when you want it back Embarassed.  I am slowly working my way through this wonderful site. I think it was very helpful for me to purchase the pre-planned curriculum found here, that has given us a start anyhow.

    To answer your question on a living book, I know somewhere here you can find a book list for age ranges…but the easiest way to explain how to know it is a living book is this:  (from what I gather) A living book is a book written about one subject or period by one person. It can be a researcher, not someone who necessarily lived through the time period or subject, but one person sharing their view and feelings about this time period….which adds emotion to the book (something texts are completely lacking) I believe that emotion is what makes it a living book.


    Now, the best place to find these books…I have found Estate sales are the most fun (many living books for $1.00 or less) I enjoy the hunt and purchase books for future years as well. You will know they are good writing and quality if you look for books published pre 1950. The english may be hard for you and I to read, however if we teach our children from the start with these they will find it easy to read Shakespeare and other fine literature. (Other places you can find them is the library….search the website for subject, then look at the published date.)


    Mj, I really hope this helps and it doesn’t add to confusion (I know I get a bit wordy at times)

    Have a wonderful day!



    How wonderful of you to open yourself up to this group.  You sound very sweet and smart!  This group is full of wonderful people who are very helpful.  I’m sure that someone will be able to give you the help that you need/desire.


    As Richelle asked, what are the ages of your children?  Knowing a bit more about your children would help in giving you more information.  The free curriculum guide is a fantastic resource and very visual.  Definately take a look at that on the website.  


    I will keep you in prayer also.  You have a wonderful heart, and a desire to teach your children and learn yourself.  God will bless you through that.  We do not need a higher education to be able to teach our children.  Just the Lord’s guidance and leading.  


    Many blessings to you!!



    Thank you Richele, Alice, Inga and Carrie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! very much! All of your advice is very helpful. Richele the curriculum guide wass a great help. I looked at it wednesday. Aaahhhh modules what a great help. “we don’t have to have a higher education, just a higher calling from the Lord” Thank you again Richele for your time and more. 🙂 

    Alice sitting down with someone who is doin this “maybe that would help you get a better handle on this” is a wonderful idea and exactly what would help me. AAAHHHH a handle on IT yes that is exactly what i want. It feels so good to have control of something instead of it having control of you!! Thank you Alice 🙂

    Inga Thank you for the encouragement and your word on a living book. you were not too wordy at all. I am a very follow the instructions kind of person and I want to do everything right. So this also was very helpful  “search the website for subject, then look at the published date” I love concrete things:) making decissions can sometimes be difficult for me when there is soo much to choose from.  Sometimes it causes me not to choose at all for fear of making the wrong decission. Thank you Alice 🙂

    Carrie my children  are 19G, 12B, 11B, 2G (special needs), 8months B. 19 is my drama queen. 2G and 8m B consume soo much of my time. 12B and 11B are whom im struggling for, they help me soo much! I want them to have a wonderul and exciting education that makes them LOVE learning. So they will continue hungering for more and more truth into their adult lives. I also want them fitted for GOD”S call and to be able support their families (BIBLICALLY and financially) one day with what i taught them. Im always “REDOING” trying to make things better that sometimes it seem like im giving them exactlly the opposite of what i myself love and feel children NEED “concrete things you can count on.” I thank you for everthing especially your prayers! Thank you Carrie 🙂

    I will be using all of your advise thank you so much. Mj

    Doug Smith

    There is a lot here on the Web site and it can sometimes take a while to get your bearings. Here are a couple things that might be useful if you haven’t run into them yet…

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