Creating a Masterpiece
Creating a Masterpiece

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Creating a Masterpiece

(6 customer reviews)

Looking for a good art teacher? Check out this encouraging and professional art instruction in a wonderful series of videos, covering a wide variety of art media: watercolor, pencil drawing, pastel, sculpture, acrylic painting, ink, and more! (Grades 1–12)

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Product Description

Learn new art skills by creating your own masterpiece!

For years now we have been researching and reviewing many art instruction resources, trying to find one that fits well with a Charlotte Mason homeschooling approach—one that provides a wide variety, is taught by a pleasant master artist, emphasizes best effort, allows you to adjust the length of the lesson, and encourages you to create something worthwhile right from the start. When we heard about Creating a Masterpiece and met Sharon Hofer at a homeschool convention, we were convinced that we had finally found what we were looking for!

This wonderful series of instructional videos will introduce to you and your children a wide variety of art media: pencil drawing, watercolor, acrylic painting, sculpting, pastels, ink, and more. You might try several projects that teach one medium—all the pastel projects, for example—and enjoy progressing through the levels with that one art type. Or you might select a variety so your family members can experience several types of art and find the medium that resonates with each one.

Sharon is a qualified and skilled artist-teacher who will walk you through each art project in a pleasant and encouraging manner. Learning from watching a video is so beneficial for art instruction! Her professional instruction is given in real time, so you can see the techniques as she describes them and watch the project develop before your eyes. Best of all, you learn techniques in context as you work on the project Sharon is demonstrating, and what you learn from the illustrated project can then be applied to your own future creative projects!

You can learn more about Sharon and her art classes, ask any questions, and get help with art supplies at her website, Creating a Masterpiece. Simply Charlotte Mason is pleased to help spread the word about these wonderful art instruction videos!

Additional Information

Media Type


Suggested grades


Weight0.2 lbs
Dimensions7.5 × 5.5 × 0.44 in

6 reviews for Creating a Masterpiece

  1. Teresa

    Wonderful!! How many lessons are on each DVD?

    • Sonya Shafer

      It varies, Teresa. Some have 3, some have 7. The average is probably about 4 per DVD.

  2. Mysterious Lady in Pink

    I’m just a bit confused on this — does each DVD cover ONE “project” but broken down in multiple lessons? So for example, would the “Sunflowers” DVD have somewhere between 3-7 lessons, each contributing a step on the path to completing the one finished work?

    • Sonya Shafer

      Exactly. You’ve got it, Lady in Pink.

  3. kmtram

    Would you recommend any specific level 1 project for rising 1st and rising 4th grade boys? They do attend a local children’s art studio so they have dabbled a little in everything except silk dying and acrylic paint. I do not stay for the art lessons at the local studio, but I believe only the drawing classes deliver limited detailed instruction. Our boys spend a tremendous amount of time drawing and painting so much that it seems replenishment of paper, writing implements, and art supplies are quite an expense in our household. I hesitate only, because I often find that I select activities that are about a year or two too early for them or us. We are doing well with the few SCM we’ve purchased and tried so far. So please let me know if you have any recommendations based on their age. Thank you!

    • Jordan Smith

      The Creating a Masterpiece Level 1 DVDs are all appropriate for any grade. We’d recommend choosing a project that sounds interesting to the students, since they will be the ones creating the art.

  4. Julia

    These are wonderful!! Four of my children, ages 10-13 just completed “Tropical Clown Fish” and they are truly masterpieces!! We are excited for our next project next week, “Sunflower”. As a side note my husband and I are not artistic and everything they learned was from the excellent instructor.

  5. Lydia

    Will you have anymore options? Im interested in color pencil.

    • Doug Smith

      Creating a Masterpiece has switched from physical DVDs to online streaming for their lessons. All new lessons will be in that format and we will no longer carry the DVDs once our current stock runs out.

      The good news is that there are some nice advantages to the online streaming lessons. The projects come with additional information, examples, explanations, and resource lists on the website. You get access to all of the available projects while you are subscribed, with new lessons being added regularly. And if you don’t wan’t to subscribe all the time you can come and go as you please with the monthly subscription.

  6. Jennifer

    We just did the free sample lesson on this site. And the kids really enjoyed it and did so well!! (they’re 10 and 13) Mrs. Hofer’s step-by-step instructions are clear and easy to follow and their finished projects turned out amazing! I wish I could share pictures! She also explains a lot about technique, which I love so that they can take them and apply them to their own projects.

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