I’ve been secretly anticipating a response from you on this. 🙂 Thank you so much for sharing your Godly wisdom! Don’t ever be sorry for being too “preachy”. Does anyone know the name of that book by Edith Shaeffer?
Ladies, I just wanted to let you know that I did bring my 8yo DD into church with us this week and it went great! I thought it was family Sunday, so I had prepared her for it. When we got there, I found out that I had misunderstood. I gave her the option to go to Sunday school or stay with me, she chose to go to SS, but I overrode the decision! LOL! She did very well singing, asking questions, and paying attention. I plan to do this every so often until it becomes a habit. Then I will have the fun job of getting my 4yo DD to stay with us also. 🙂 I like that they have Sunday school, but it was really great to worship as a family as well. Thanks for all of your helpful advice!
Wonderful, Faith! I just wanted to share a possible resource with you for when your 4yo joins you also. Are you familiar with the Betty Lukens Quiet Books? (Well, they used to be called Quiet Books; I think they have another name now.) Anyway, I’ve used those for years and years in many places where the little ones need to sit quietly. The hardest part is cutting out all the pieces, but if you use them for ten years or more (like I have), it’s worth it. 😉