We’ve switched over to Analytical Grammar for my 3 older children. What a relief to find this instead of rehashing the same grammar topics each year!
I wonder, for those who have followed the SCM sequence, did you like/use the JAG for younger children?
I see that it has basically the same info as the first 10 lessons of AG, but at an easier level. I’m thinking this would work well for my younger children when they get to 4th grade.
I’m using it now with my 9yo (4th grade) daughter and we like it. She does say that it’s hard and it’s not the top of her favorites list, but she’s getting it.
Yes, she sailed through the first section of AG because she had already been introduced to the concepts in JAG. I don’t think JAG is absolutely necessary, but it’s a nice introduction if you want one.
We waited. We tried Simply Grammar, but that wasn’t a good fit for us. So we ended up doing English for the Thoughtful Child, Vol. 1 and 2 then waited until about 7th and 9th to do AG. I say 7th and 9th because I taught it to my two oldest girls together.
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