Your experience with Apologia General Science?

Welcome to Simply Charlotte Mason Discussion Forum CM Specifics Science & Nature Study Your experience with Apologia General Science?

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  • Help! I’m trying to decide what to do with my son for science this year. I would like to know how any of you feel about this book, as well as any other suggestion, advice, experience that you feel worth sharing. Science is a hard one for me. 🙁


    I used this with my second son.  He thought it was OK.  A number of people I have talked to really did not like the first module-thought it was dull.  I don’t know whether I’ll be using it with son #3 or not. 


    Our son thought it was okay also, and I am interested in substitutions for the others up and coming- Bookworm, what do you have in mind, if anything?


    My son deplores it, but we are going to keep plugging away. 1). it wasn’t cheap 2). I know it is good material; he just has no interest in science but wants to go to college so he needs to do this.

    I did buy the audio cd yesterday at our curriculum fair for $15. I’m hoping he will like it better having it read to him while he follows along in the book. He wasn’t thrilled but he did say he thinks that will help him retain the material. That is what he struggles with, but honestly he struggles with retention in every subject.

    I do like Apologia materials all the way around.


    What am I doing?  LOL.  I don’t know.  This year (7th grade) we have one more God’s Design set to work through.  (The physical science.)  8th grade–I’m undecided.  I’m considering having him do the first Connect the Thoughts upper level science module, and then do  the Classical Astronomy Signs and Seasons (a personal interest for him.)  Plus maybe do a science project?  I’m still working on it. 


    Well, ds is using it this year and finishing up part way through next school year (it took longer than expected). I did not have a good lesson plan for him and because it’s my least favorite subject, it was last on my list to really make sure it happened. Plus, correcting study guide ques./test ques., etc., took a bit since I’m not real crazy about science to begin with. My ds actually likes it (Mod. 1 was tough) and has no desire to change, plus, he hates to jump around in curriculum.

    I am planning on purchasing the lesson plans created by someone (found at Christian Book dot com), one for each of my dc using the Apologia science books. I could probably do the lesson plans myself but I haven’t yet so I think I need to buy the lesson plans. I need something that says “Read pages 50-55 and do____________” for this particular subject and these part. books and I think that will help my dc to move along.

    My dc are fairly ind. (especially my oldest) and I think this would help him to move along without having to wait on me.

    We could’ve used something else, of course, but the text/test solutions/interactive cd-rom was all given to me, so I figured it was worth a try.


    You know there are lesson plans for Biology and Chemistry for free at, right?  I only had to do my own plans for physics (could look to see if I kept those on the computer if anyone wanted.)


    I’m feeling like I’m not alone with science difficulty at this age. :0

    I’ve enjoyed having my kids just read some easy living books and narrate the last couple of years. I don’t like this pressure of doing science more formally, but I know it’s needed since college is hopefully in the picture for my son.

    So far, it sounds like everyone is so-so on Apologia. I need to think this through. Ugh, headache.


    Oooohh, I didn’t know that the Biology/Chem ones are free on that site..have to check it out!

    My dc are doing Gen. Science and Swimming Creatures, is there a free one for those two, LOL?? I probably do not have to do the Swimming one, but I it would help my 9yo to move along with a guided “how much do I read, now?” issue. We try to do 20-30 min. of reading (for my 9yo), more for my oldest, but I still feel like my dc could do better without me “guiding” them and them using a guide on their own. Those lesson plans are about $6, but the free ones would be great!!


    I should say that if I were to do it again, I think I would still have my son do Apologia.  Our next oldest daughter – although it may change, shes not a huge science lover and I dont think this particular text will meet her needs.  I expect she will be doing the later Apologia texts, we have them and I do like them (Biology and Chemistry, anyways).

    So I should skip the general science one? Would that be missing too much you think?


    My son is not a sciency type either, but it is a good material, not cheap and he got past the 1st chapter and did well. Now the next son I’m thinking I might need the audio for him as he hears better. But we’ll just see.

    Overall I think its a good science especially being I couldn’t do better myself.

    We don’t always like everything we read but some times I think we need to just muster through it.

    In Mardels, sale on homeschool material.

    I am looking at Alpha Omega Lifepac Science. Anyone know/care to share about this? It comes in boxes with each grade.


    It sounds like the majority of those who found it so-so are those who are not too crazy about science to begin with.  

    We just started Apologia’s Flying Creatures, so far so go and I am NOT a science fan.  I am considering General Science for my older son for 8th grade.  He’s going into sixth in September, and it’s possible he’ll be ready for it in 7th, but not so sure yet. 


    I haven’t had any problems with it myself, both of my boys really like both texts and don’t want to use anything else. My problem has been not being able to get a good plan together for the daily readings. It’s taken longer than I thought to get through and that would be okay if I had done that on purpose, LOL, and was spreading it out using living books, etc., but that’s not the case. I want my boys to spend the time necessary to feel like they have really grasped the concepts, but not so long that they say, “Oh, that’s right, we’re using that for science.”

    My dc have taken community classes off and on, nature study time, etc., but I just feel the need to have a better “plan” to get through the texts in a reasonable amount of time.

    I guess you could say that I just don’t like texts to linger on forever and like to see it come to completion (not unit study type)

    Hope that makes sense.

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