Your experience w/ Discovering Doctrine

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  • Rene

    I’m considering purchasing this for my oldest daughter and also myself. I’d love to hear how others implement this with their children and if you are using it for yourself as well.

    Do you schedule a part of each day where your older kids understand that as they read the bible you expect them to use Discovering Doctrine, or is it up to them when they write in it?


    I would love to know this too, as i’m planning to buy it and use it for myself and my three older ones. I think i’m going to schedule a part of the day where we do Bible together and use Discovering Doctrine.


    Bump. 🙂

    Sonya Shafer

    Well, I’ll chime in but I would love to hear from others too. 🙂

    Ours is more of a guided affair at the moment. My 12yo (13 this week!) brings it with her when we do our school Bible reading or Family Bible reading. If we discover a doctrinal truth during that reading, she adds it to the book right then.

    Eventually I want her to feel confident enough to add truths from her personal reading times, but we’re easing into that stage.


    Sonya, in your opinion, would the bible history reading (we are starting Module 1) count for this or do you think extra is needed? What about Penny Gardner’s Old and New Testament selections?

    Sonya Shafer

    Any Bible reading you want to do would be a great opportunity to look for doctrinal truths.



    When they include the scriptures, do you recommend they write out the whole scripture in their book or just write the scripture reference with words describing what the scripture is about, e.g., great commission?


    Sonya Shafer

    We usually write the truth. For example, I just flipped open our notebook to Christology. Here are some of the entries:

    • God the Father raised Jesus from the dead (Gal. 1:1) (1 Cor. 15:20)
    • Gave Himself for our sins (Gal. 1:4)
    • Gave Himself according to the will of God (Gal. 1:4)
    • He lives in me, loves me, gave Himself up for me (Gal. 2:20)
    • He existed in the form of God (Phil. 2:7)
    • He took on the form of man (Phil. 2:7)

    As you can see, we list the initial reference where we saw the truth, then add other references as we come across the same truth in another passage.


    My son (12) just began this and it’s going pretty slow.  He needs reminders and suggestions, but I do think he will eventually get there on his own.  He’s kind of looking at it right now like “why do I have to do this?” even though I’ve explained that three times now.  I think it’s wonderful and plan to order a book for myself to use also.  We pull it out once a week or once every other week and then we back-track.  I find it too distracting to do during Bible/History reading time with my other younger kids.  So right now, I do it with him.

    Beth Covalt

    I really like this book.  My two oldest, who are 12, need also some easing into it.  We are planning on starting it during our family devotion time to help them get a grasp of the concept, but I think it is a fantastic way for our children to understand that theology comes straight from God’s Word and not another man or book.


    I have been trying to get this going with my 14 yr old. I guess I just dont know what to tell him to write in it. How did you describe this to your children?


    How I told my son about it was to read with him the first couple of pages on p. 5 & 6 “How To Use This Study”.  After that, we are using my Bible because I happen to have a study guide Bible that is color-coded and all of God’s word is underlined.  So we go through it together and find the teachings together.


    OK Butterfly76 your comment sold me!  I just ordered and downloaded the book!  We have been trying to do a family devotional doctrinal study called “Training Hearts/Teaching Minds”  There is nothing at all wrong with the book it’s laid out very well, but there was something nagging at the back of my mind when I was using it…that something turned out to be the thought that our time would be better spent learning directly from the Bible doing our own research and study and discovering doctrinal truths directly from the Word.  I can’t wait to get started!!!

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