Your Business Math for a year or quicker pace? Instead of MUS?

Welcome to Simply Charlotte Mason Discussion Forum CM Specifics Math Your Business Math for a year or quicker pace? Instead of MUS?

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  • amama5

    My son has moved quickly through MUS, and will be ready for Pre-Algebra when we start our new year in June.  He will have just turned 11 and be in 6th grade, so I’m wondering if it’s rushing it to start Pre-Algebra already, and if I should have him take the year to do Your Business Math?

    It says the quick pace still takes 14 weeks, so would you do it alongside MUS?  I wouldn’t think he’d enjoy it as much if it were extra beyond his normal MUS:)

    Have any of you stretched it over a year?  Do you think he would fall behind in MUS, or would it just solidify the things he’s already learned?  Do you feel it’s a good investment of his time?



    I don’t want to talk you out of the business math because I have not seen it,  but if you finish it and want another idea, check out the math history lesson plans on   They use math literature and activities,  and cover various subjects.

    I am trying them this coming year with my 8th, 6th, and 1st graders. You can use them alone or supplement with other curriculum.




    We did only SCM business math for a while, not quite a year. It was around age 11 & my daughter was already “behind” in math, but it was a perfect fit and helped solidify basic arithmetic with gentle decimal and percent work. My dd is 14 now and partway through MUS pre-algebra in 8th and right on track. I see no need to rush. If it interests you, take the time to dig in and enjoy it.

    ETA – dd14 began 8th grade this year 1/2 way through Epsilon. I hired her a tutor and with the tutor’s help, she finished epsilon and zeta by early January and is now 1/3 way finished with prealgeba.  She will begin 9th in algebra which is fine with me.


    Thanks for the thoughts and link.  I already bought business math so will use it sometime for sure!  My son hasn’t been rushing so far, he just moves on whenever he finishes a MUS book, but when I looked at the MUS schedule, it seemed like he was ahead.  I think I might let him start it during  his summer break (when we still do math:) and then start Pre-Algebra whenever he finishes the business math.  Thanks

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