You know you are a homeschooler when…

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  • trulyblessed26

    I thought this was funny so I figured I would share it:  So we are moving to Tx and my husband’s company thankfully is moving us.  The moving company guy came by today to estimate the cost of the move for the company.  I guess they get their cost based on the weight of the stuff you move and my husband’s company gave us a “max weight” allotment we are allowed for our move.  The guy did his calculations and came back and said “it looks like you are over your weight limit!”  Now, we don’t have a huge house or anything so we were like how??  The guy says “It’s all those books! They are killing you!”  I just smiled.  And my first daughter is only in kindergarten with another daughter coming along behind her in a few years!  Can’t wait to see our ‘weight’ when we get to like high school! 🙂  Made me think of those of you who run lending libraries.  Hope you don’t move anytime soon! 

    Happy homeschooling ya’ll and long live the books! 🙂


    That’s awesome!


    LOL!  Yeah, we’re about to move and hubby is already complaing about all the heavy boxes of books he’s going to have to haul out of here. Tongue out

    Last week my niece was helping me rearrange our schoolroom. She said to me “wow, you really have a lot of books, did you always have this many books?”. Later, as she was putting books back on the shelf, she said with much less admiration and more irritation, “You really have A LOT of books.” It was pretty funny. But we just moved recently too and boy, moving all those books was not so fun! But they bring me lots of joy!


    Yeah…after packing up and stack all my boxes of books, even I was thinking maybe I should use my library a little more. LOL


    bwwahahahahaha!  I love this thread!  We moved in March, and our moving helpers from church kept saying, “Another box of book?  Boy, you have a lot of books!”  Then another friend was going to move, and she needed boxes.  Not having been inside my house and not being a homeschooler herself, when I gave her my boxes, she kept saying, “man, Amy must have a LOT of books!!”  HAHAHA!  She doesn’t know the half of it!

    Unite, bibliophiles!



    Hilarious!!  The death of me is our local used book store, which trades books for store credit! Be still my heart! Love that I can walk in, give him books, and walk out with more books, and never see a bill pass between us-it’s absolutely poetical.

    Big Smiles 

    Christine Kaiser

    Just in case there are any military families here – home school items are considered “professional items” and will not be included in your  weight limit!Cool

     – truelyblessed guess this makes another case for going digital with kindle, iPad and co..*lol*

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