You go outside in the winter, but…

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  • 4myboys

    Yep — temp is the deciding factor here, too.  My boys love playing in the rain.  They’ll jump and splash for hours if its a warm rain.


    Going to surprise kids and do it right now! It’s 74 degrees and gently raining. Gotta love FL in winter!


    If it is warm enough and no thunder or lightning, I let my kids go out in rain boots or barefoot. They LOVE the puddles! I will never forget the day my MIL was over and they came running to great her covered in mud. She was horrified! But I grew up on a farm and it seemed like I was always getting dirty, that was a part of life. I just told her, “it washes off”. 🙂


    Kids need mud. It is good for their skin.

    Ok, I made that up. But it is good for their spirit!

    My dream house would have a real mud room: a drain in the floor, tile walls and several strong spray hoses. Just off the garage. Can’t wait to explain that to a contractor! Maybe someday…

    Until then, we get muddy and to heck with it. It is just worth it.


    Thanks everybody! We have really been embracing the mud today! 🙂



    Dana, at the risk of sounding patronizing, I’m proud of you for really stepping out of your comfort zone to make nature a part of your days.


    Awwww. Thank you so much! *blush*


    Sara B.

    My kids go out in the rain, too.  We have rain boots for all of them, so even in the winter, if it’s a warm-ish day and snow is melting, I’ll send them out in those rather than their snowboots.  In the rain, sometimes my kids bring out their umbrellas, and sometimes they don’t.  Depends on their imaginative activities for the day.  😛  Thunderstorms are a no because of the lightning.  Wind doesn’t much bother them unless it’s a very strong wind.  Then I’ll keep them inside because of flying debris and falling branches.

    Honestly, not much keeps me from sending them outside year-round.  🙂


    I needed this kick in the hiney.  Thank you.  I’m one who likes to stay inside if it’s too hot or too cold or too wet or too whatever.  I hate all the laundry that goes along with the wet and mud and snow.  I hate the mopping and hanging stuff to dry.  I hate all the extra bathing that goes along with it.  I hate all the time spent doing the laundry and the mopping and the bathing when I could be teaching or cleaning or organizing or relaxing.  BUT I am the mother to four BOYS and I must do a better job getting them out in nature….dirty, cold, wet nature…the way GOD made it.  Sigh….we’re going outside right now.  


    And now I will go buy rain boots or mud boots.  They came back in with about 3 inches of mud caked on their only pair of shoes.  And their hands.  And the backs of their pants.  We’ll be spending some time (a lot of time) scraping off aforementioned muddy shoes before Scouts tonight.  We need official “get dirty” shoes.


    Don’t forget splash pants!  If they are completely covered, it cuts down on the laundry and bathing!  We still end up with wet clothes, because the boots and splash pants and rain coats aren’t perfect, but it helps quite a bit.

     My kids pulled out all their splash clothes yesterday because we’ve actually had temperatures above freezing (by a couple of degrees) for 3 days in a row!  So they were hoping to find some puddles.  Alas, there were none yet.  There’s still too much snow to melt first.  It was nice and slushy, though, so we were glad for the rain gear, even though it wasn’t raining!



    Splash pants? What are they made of?


    We all 3 (me, my DS4, and DD1) have rain/mud boots. I call them our “gettin’ in the creek boots”. I dress the kids for outdoors knowing they’ll be covered in mud, water, dirt, sap, leaves, whatever. When we go hiking I have them change clothes in the parking lot and I throw the dirty stuff in the trunk. I laugh sometimes that when we run errands on the way home no one would know we’ve been in the woods since breakfast. We’re so clean and dry. Haha. 🙂 The rubber boots I got at Wal Mart on clearance and they’ve been so worth it. They stay either on the porch or in the trunk and they can just be hosed right off. Of course when my son goes into water that is deeper than his boots are high…. Hence my question about splash pants. 🙂



    Yes, whatever splash pants are, I need them!  Anything to cut down on the laundry.  I love the idea of having a bucket or something in the car to throw the dirty stuff in.  Maybe then I won’t cry all the way home when we go camping or hiking.

    Lesley Letson

    mine just came in from getting as muddy as they could, per my instruction! It has been serious downpours for two days, we’ve had colds, and spent way more time than normal indoors. Today was just a drizzle, so I sent them out. they stripped down on the porch and the clothes went straight to the wash. now they are having tub time to get clean and warm up. Laughing 

    interesting aside, my mom’s dr. was telling her about a study that has found a direct link to kids who play outside and get dirty having a drastically reduced rate of Chron’s disease (which is on the rise in kids). We are all about the dirt – whether it be dry or wet!

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